For each of the step (even that specific as what editors and other software to use) included into building an application (for me mostly - web (php-mysql-html-javascript)) I really need tips on how to improve them so I could start working really really fast and be able to generate all the required functions in an application like in one day instead of a week. The problem is when I come up with a nice idea, I start to develop it, but it takes way too long and I get bored of it and throw away. How to prevent (well my solution would be to program faster, but I don't know how) this? Thank you in advance!
kolibrizas 12 Junior Poster in Training
chrishea 182 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
kolibrizas commented: Very interesting tool that you have just suggested. Big thanks! +1
Acute -2 Junior Poster
epicrevolt 6 Junior Poster in Training
kolibrizas 12 Junior Poster in Training
kolibrizas 12 Junior Poster in Training
kolibrizas 12 Junior Poster in Training
twiss 155 Veteran Poster
kolibrizas commented: A few nice advices :) +2
kolibrizas 12 Junior Poster in Training
FreddieBambino 2 Light Poster
kolibrizas commented: Interesting and very useful. +2
urtrivedi 276 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso

kolibrizas commented: Thanks, two interesting libraries I haven't heard of. +2


kolibrizas commented: Nice bunch of links! +2

Stefano Mtangoo 455 Senior Poster
kolibrizas 12 Junior Poster in Training


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