I'm trying to set up a simple little rating system for videos on a website. If you push + it adds 1 and if you push - it subtracts 1. I've got it working just fine. However, the way i'm checking to see if you've rated it already is by searching for it inside a column called 'rated' that holds the usernames of each user that has rated it. I can see it becoming an issue if someone has a similar username as someone else. Is there a better way to go about this?
$sql3="SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM videos WHERE rated LIKE '%$_SESSION[username]%' and path1 = '$path'";
$sql1="SELECT * FROM videos WHERE path1 = '$path'";
if($id=="minus") {$rating = $rating - 1;}
if($id=="plus") {$rating = $rating + 1;}
$sql2 = "UPDATE videos SET rating='$rating', rated='$rated'
WHERE path1 = '$path'";
$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);
if($result2) {
else {