Okay i have been looking my best for this problem on forum.
I have a website script written in php, now the menu it has is in php and uses a tpl file.
This is very crude compared to what i need, now i post here in DHTML because the DHTML drop down menus are more what i need.
here's the problem.
I want to install this for the top navigation bar. It should appear on the whole site.
But how do you get a DHTML menu into php script.
The current menu is php script, and it is linked in each of the php pages at the bottom.
And it needs to have the ability to recognize whether the user is logged in.


Apart from the mention of DHTML, this appears to be a post for the PHP forum not JavaScript / DHTML / AJAX.

I wonder, do you really mean DHTML? If so, can you provide more of an explanation please.


I'm not sure which forum is best, I mean there is already a crude php menu, but i want to put a DHTML drop down menu in it's place, so i guess it's about integrating the two, mainly making it appear in each page of the php site, are they compatible at all?
Should i repost in php forum?

Not yet.

You have sidestepped my question.

What do you mean by "DHTML menu"?


dynamic html, css may work though

Not yet.

You have sidestepped my question.

What do you mean by "DHTML menu"?



"DHTML Menus" could have any number of meanings.

What is the nature of the DHTML?


actually tha's what i was asking,i just thought that dhtml would be what i needed for a drop down CSS styled menu, but apparently can use pure CSS,what is the best menu for this functionality?


"DHTML Menus" could have any number of meanings.

What is the nature of the DHTML?


Three possible interpretations of "DHTML menu" (there may be others):

  1. A menu that is dynamically created and inserted into a document by javascript.
  2. A menu tree that is dynamically expanded/collapsed (or otherwise manipulated) by javascript, depending on which menu item is currently selected.
  3. A menu that causes javascript to perform some action(s) on the rest of the document, depending on which menu item is currently selected.

A menu (or menu system) that has none of these features (or something similar involving javascript) but is merely included by PHP in a site's pages, is not a "DHTML menu".

Armed with this knowledge ...

  • if your question is genuinely about DHTML, then please post here a description of the DHTML action you desire.
  • if your question is about how to build pages server-side with PHP, including a standardised menu, then please post in the PHP forum.


okay, that's right, the function is a drop down menu like the one atthe top of this site, my question is in regard to placing it in a .tpl file, instead of an html file, it looks different, these .tpl files are styling a php based site, but i'm adding new menus and want the the drop down option as it allows more css styling options and has the drop down functinality, so it's an integration question,

Three possible interpretations of "DHTML menu" (there may be others):

  1. A menu that is dynamically created and inserted into a document by javascript.
  2. A menu tree that is dynamically expanded/collapsed (or otherwise manipulated) by javascript, depending on which menu item is currently selected.
  3. A menu that causes javascript to perform some action(s) on the rest of the document, depending on which menu item is currently selected.

A menu (or menu system) that has none of these features (or something similar involving javascript) but is merely included by PHP in a site's pages, is not a "DHTML menu".

Armed with this knowledge ...

  • if your question is genuinely about DHTML, then please post here a description of the DHTML action you desire.
  • if your question is about how to build pages server-side with PHP, including a standardised menu, then please post in the PHP forum.


For .tpl aspects, ask in the PHP forum.

For drop down action, search the web for eg. "javascript menus", "dhtml menus", "jquery menus". You should quite quickly find examples/demos, many with freebie downloads.

Integration of the two aspects is typically a question of styling each page's menu appropriately, with CSS and/or javascript, such that the menu item appropriate to the current page is highlighted (eg. different color/bgColor) and possibly showing a submenu. Worry about integration after you have chosen a menu system and have the basic .tpl aspects sorted.


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