Recently I've been updating an image resize class I found on the internet. What I needed to have was a script that would crop an image in order to fit in a defined with a fixed width an height. However, after the image is redimensioned, (keeping the aspect ratio), it apears repeated on the slider. Is there any way to solve this? I've been hammering my head over this for the past hours with no results.
EDIT: The croped image on server appears correctly
Here's the code that manipulates the image
## --------------------------------------------------------
public function resizeImage($newWidth, $newHeight, $option="auto")
// *** Get optimal width and height - based on $option
$optionArray = $this->getDimensions($newWidth, $newHeight, $option);
$optimalWidth = $optionArray['optimalWidth'];
$optimalHeight = $optionArray['optimalHeight'];
// *** Resample - create image canvas of x, y size
$this->imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($optimalWidth, $optimalHeight);
imagecopyresampled($this->imageResized, $this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $this->width, $this->height);
// *** if option is 'crop', then crop too
if ($option == 'crop') {
$this->crop($optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight);
if($option == 'toSize')
$this->cropToSize($optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight);
## --------------------------------------------------------
private function getDimensions($newWidth, $newHeight, $option)
switch ($option)
case 'exact':
$optimalWidth = $newWidth;
$optimalHeight= $newHeight;
case 'toSize':
$optionArray = $this->getSizeByAuto($newWidth, $newHeight);
$optimalWidth = $optionArray['optimalWidth'];
$optimalHeight = $optionArray['optimalHeight'];
case 'portrait':
$optimalWidth = $this->getSizeByFixedHeight($newHeight);
$optimalHeight= $newHeight;
case 'landscape':
$optimalWidth = $newWidth;
$optimalHeight= $this->getSizeByFixedWidth($newWidth);
case 'auto':
$optionArray = $this->getSizeByAuto($newWidth, $newHeight);
$optimalWidth = $optionArray['optimalWidth'];
$optimalHeight = $optionArray['optimalHeight'];
case 'crop':
$optionArray = $this->getOptimalCrop($newWidth, $newHeight);
$optimalWidth = $optionArray['optimalWidth'];
$optimalHeight = $optionArray['optimalHeight'];
return array('optimalWidth' => $optimalWidth, 'optimalHeight' => $optimalHeight);
private function getSizeByAuto($newWidth, $newHeight)
if ($this->height < $this->width)
// *** Image to be resized is wider (landscape)
$optimalWidth = $newWidth;
$optimalHeight= $this->getSizeByFixedWidth($newWidth);
elseif ($this->height > $this->width)
// *** Image to be resized is taller (portrait)
$optimalWidth = $this->getSizeByFixedHeight($newHeight);
$optimalHeight= $newHeight;
// *** Image to be resizerd is a square
if ($newHeight < $newWidth) {
$optimalWidth = $newWidth;
$optimalHeight= $this->getSizeByFixedWidth($newWidth);
} else if ($newHeight > $newWidth) {
$optimalWidth = $this->getSizeByFixedHeight($newHeight);
$optimalHeight= $newHeight;
} else {
// *** Sqaure being resized to a square
$optimalWidth = $newWidth;
$optimalHeight= $newHeight;
return array('optimalWidth' => $optimalWidth, 'optimalHeight' => $optimalHeight);
This is another function I wrote, trying to acheive a solution. No luck either.
private function cropToSize($optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight)
$src_x = 0;
$src_y = 0;
if ( ($this->width/$this->height) < ($newWidth/$newHeight) )
//Determina o racio para o resize
$ratio = $newWidth / $this->width;
//Detemina o crop
$crop = $this->height - ($newHeight/$ratio) ;
$this->height = $this->height - $crop;
$src_y = floor($crop/2);
//Detemina resize baseado na altura
$ratio = $newHeight / $this->height;
//Detemina resize baseado na largura
$crop = $this->width - ($newWidth/$ratio);
$this->width = $this->width - $crop;
$src_x = floor($crop/2);
$dest = $this->imageResized;
var_dump($src_x, $src_y,$optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight , $this->width, $this->height);
// *** Now crop from center to exact requested size
$this->imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth , $newHeight);
imagecopyresampled($this->imageResized, $dest , 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y, $optimalWidth, $optimalHeight, $this->width, $this->height);
Glad for any help possible ;)