Hello Friends,
Please help me.
I am a new Web Designer.. Don't have strong Javascript Skills.
I have just made a website name http://www.bsroadlines.com/
It contains 5 pages.
This website has Images Slider Script at the header, which is working perfectly fine on 4 pages except one gallery page. http://bsroadlines.com/photo-gallery.php
The Gallery page contains lightbox photo gallery, whoose script may be conflicting with the slider script, I think that.. May be some other issue.
Please help me, how to get rid of this.
I tried several other photo gallery script, but those scripts are also conflicting with slider script.
Please help me.

Please reply.
God Bless you..

You have to post some code to get help with an issue like this.

Before you do, please be more specific about the problem, and take a very good look to see that you don't have two variables with the same name. If you do, rename one of them and your problem may go away.

Good luck!

Dear Sir,
First of all i would like to thank you for replying me.
Actually the problem is.. My slider does not work when i am putting it in work along with Photo gallery script. This Slider scripts works perfectly well with all other pages of site.Images rotates sequentially on all other pages, but images don't move on http://bsroadlines.com/photo-gallery.php.
Images are getting displayed on this page, but not moving.

Sir Please help, I am new to this field, i donot know about Javascript very well.
Please help me, it would be a great help to me if you solve this problem of me.
I am sending you code attached with this message.
Please help
Thanks again
god bless you.

You have to post some code to get help with an issue like this.

Before you do, please be more specific about the problem, and take a very good look to see that you don't have two variables with the same name. If you do, rename one of them and your problem may go away.

Good luck!

Uh, sorry if I misled you. By "post some code" I didn't really mean 1.23MB of zipped code. I meant the dozen (or perhaps a bit more) lines that were problematic, wherein we might help you find an error, and the error might be instructive for others who read these posts.

That said, I took a look at your site and found its subject familiar. At one time I did some work for the Domestic Logistics group and MBUSA (Mercedes' US distributor). Those covered, double-decker car carriers were brand new then. We liked them!

Back on subject, I did not see any slider or sliding on the photo page. Back up and describe what you want the page to do. There are lots of lightbox scripts that may work for you. Before you look for one, ask your designer, "What do we want the customer to learn, here? Why should they ship with us?" Those covered carriers really do protect the cars in transit. Do your competitors have them?


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