First of all sorry for my bad thread title, really didn't know how to name it.

I am wondering how to make a following banner to another page.

When somebody clicks a link from my webpage to show the link with my extra code. Like this alexa banner up there: Click here.

I am very low with scripts, so I was thinking about coding something using and C++, but it will be too slow i think.

If you have that script, or you know something that can help me, please share.

Thanks in advance,

C++ is not a web application language. And if I understand what you want, you could simply display other website inside a frame/iframe and have your own content over it.

C++ is not a web application language. And if I understand what you want, you could simply display other website inside a frame/iframe and have your own content over it.

No, I have idea how it would work but it will be too slow.
Can you help me how to display other website inside a frame/iframe?

Sorry for dumb questions I am really newbie in web development.

You can look and try it at w3school You can set the size of the iframe and a source (url). One down side is that you cannot bookmark the page which is being viewed inside the frame.

Hm thanks about that, but I'm not saving the links in the database.

Im building an search engine (kind like google, but it's for different purposes), and I want to do that for every opened link from my search engine.

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