Hi everyone,
Please assist with this issue that I'm having. I am trying to create a simple web interface to allow me to send sms's from a browser window. I am using gammu (http://wammu.eu/). I am able to execute the code below when using the php cli on the linux box. But when I run the script from a browser, the sms application is unable to access the configuration file which is actually given by the directive -c /var/www/html/gsms.
I have tried adding the apache user to the sudoers file with the rights to execute the program, but I keep getting the error that Failed to read config: Can not open specified file. , which is the error that the program throws when it can't find a configuration file.
Anyone with an idea on how to solve this? Please see code below.
//This is a test script for sms sending via web interface
/*$comhandle=exec("/usr/local/bin/gammu-smsd") or die("Could not execute command");
echo $comhandle;*/
//print system('dir');
/*$content=system('cat gammu-smsdrc');
echo $content;*/
$arg1='/usr/local/bin/gammu-smsd -c /var/www/html/gsms';
//$arg2=' -c';
//$arg4=' /var/www/html/gsms';
$output=shell_exec($arg1 /*.$arg2.$arg3*/) or die("Could not execute command");
echo "<pre>".$output."</pre>";