Here is the code

It's an Open type free use code for convert css to inline style codes by capturing from your own html code or a url and it outputs an html code when finished. Because i need to send webpages in an e-mail.

I am brand new to PHP so i wouldn't know where to start to use this code on my own separate from the page url below.

It's the source of this page

Can someone shine some light on what do with the the below code to get the result i am seeking? Thanks.

 * Premailer API PHP class
 * Premailer is a library/service for making HTML more palatable for various inept email clients, in particular GMail
 * Primary function is to convert style tags into equivalent inline styles so styling can survive <head> tag removal
 * Premailer is owned by Dialect Communications group
 * @link
 * @author Marcus Bointon <>
class Premailer {
	 * The Premailer API URL
	const ENDPOINT = '';

	 * Central static method for submitting either an HTML string or a URL, optionally retrieving converted versions
	 * @static
	 * @throws Exception
	 * @param string $html Raw HTML source
	 * @param string $url URL of the source file
	 * @param bool $fetchresult Whether to also fetch the converted output
	 * @param string $adaptor Which document handler to use (hpricot (default) or nokigiri)
	 * @param string $base_url Base URL for converting relative links
	 * @param int $line_length Length of lines in the plain text version (default 65)
	 * @param string $link_query_string Query string appended to links
	 * @param bool $preserve_styles Whether to preserve any link rel=stylesheet and style elements
	 * @param bool $remove_ids Remove IDs from the HTML document?
	 * @param bool $remove_classes Remove classes from the HTML document?
	 * @param bool $remove_comments Remove comments from the HTML document?
	 * @return array Either a single strclass object containing the decoded JSON response, or a 3-element array containing result, html and plain parts if $fetchresult is set
	protected static function convert($html = '', $url = '', $fetchresult = true, $adaptor = 'hpricot', $base_url = '', $line_length = 65, $link_query_string = '', $preserve_styles = true, $remove_ids = false, $remove_classes = false, $remove_comments = false) {
		$params = array();
		if (!empty($html)) {
			$params['html'] = $html;
		} elseif (!empty($url)) {
			$params['url'] = $url;
		} else {
			throw new Exception('Must supply an html or url value');
		if ($adaptor == 'hpricot' or $adaptor == 'nokigiri') {
			$params['adaptor'] = $adaptor;
		if (!empty($base_url)) {
			$params['base_url'] = $base_url;
		$params['line_length'] = (integer)$line_length;
		if (!empty($link_query_string)) {
			$params['link_query_string'] = $link_query_string;
		$params['preserve_styles'] = ($preserve_styles?'true':'false');
		$params['remove_ids'] = ($remove_ids?'true':'false');
		$params['$remove_classes'] = ($remove_classes?'true':'false');
		$params['$remove_comments'] = ($remove_comments?'true':'false');
		$options = array(
			'timeout' => 15,
			'connecttimeout' => 15,
			'useragent' => 'PHP Premailer',
			'ssl' => array('verifypeer' => false, 'verifyhost' => false)
		$h = new HttpRequest(self::ENDPOINT, HttpRequest::METH_POST, $options);
		try {
			$response = $h->send();
			$result = json_decode($response->getBody());
			$code = $response->getResponseCode();
			if ($code != 201) {
				switch ($code) {
					case 400:
						throw new Exception('Content missing', 400);
					case 403:
						throw new Exception('Access forbidden', 403);
					case 500:
						throw new Exception('Error', $code);
			$return = array('result' => $result);
			if ($fetchresult)() {
				//Get HTML and plain versions in parallel
				$pool = new HttpRequestPool;
				$pool->attach(new HttpRequest($result->documents->html, HttpRequest::METH_GET, $options));
				$pool->attach(new HttpRequest($result->documents->txt, HttpRequest::METH_GET, $options));
				foreach($pool as $request) {
					if ($request->getUrl() == $result->documents->html) {
						$return['html'] = $request->getResponseBody();
					} elseif ($request->getUrl() == $result->documents->txt) {
						$return['plain'] = $request->getResponseBody();
				return $return;
			return $result;
		} catch (HttpException $e) {
			var_dump($h, $e->getMessage());
			return false;

	 * Central static method for submitting either an HTML string or a URL, optionally retrieving converted versions
	 * @static
	 * @throws Exception
	 * @param string $html Raw HTML source
	 * @param bool $fetchresult Whether to also fetch the converted output
	 * @param string $adaptor Which document handler to use (hpricot (default) or nokigiri)
	 * @param string $base_url Base URL for converting relative links
	 * @param int $line_length Length of lines in the plain text version (default 65)
	 * @param string $link_query_string Query string appended to links
	 * @param bool $preserve_styles Whether to preserve any link rel=stylesheet and style elements
	 * @param bool $remove_ids Remove IDs from the HTML document?
	 * @param bool $remove_classes Remove classes from the HTML document?
	 * @param bool $remove_comments Remove comments from the HTML document?
	 * @return array Either a single element array containing the 'result' object, or three elements containing result, html and plain if $fetchresult is set
	public static function html($html, $fetchresult = true, $adaptor = 'hpricot', $base_url = '', $line_length = 65, $link_query_string = '', $preserve_styles = true, $remove_ids = false, $remove_classes = false, $remove_comments = false) {
		return self::convert($html, '', $fetchresult, $adaptor, $base_url, $line_length, $link_query_string, $preserve_styles, $remove_ids, $remove_classes, $remove_comments);

	 * Central static method for submitting either an HTML string or a URL, optionally retrieving converted versions
	 * @static
	 * @throws Exception
	 * @param string $url URL of the source file
	 * @param bool $fetchresult Whether to also fetch the converted output
	 * @param string $adaptor Which document handler to use (hpricot (default) or nokigiri)
	 * @param string $base_url Base URL for converting relative links
	 * @param int $line_length Length of lines in the plain text version (default 65)
	 * @param string $link_query_string Query string appended to links
	 * @param bool $preserve_styles Whether to preserve any link rel=stylesheet and style elements
	 * @param bool $remove_ids Remove IDs from the HTML document?
	 * @param bool $remove_classes Remove classes from the HTML document?
	 * @param bool $remove_comments Remove comments from the HTML document?
	 * @return array Either a single element array containing the 'result' object, or three elements containing result, html and plain if $fetchresult is set
	public static function url($url, $fetchresult = true, $adaptor = 'hpricot', $base_url = '', $line_length = 65, $link_query_string = '', $preserve_styles = true, $remove_ids = false, $remove_classes = false, $remove_comments = false) {
		return self::convert('', $url, $fetchresult, $adaptor, $base_url, $line_length, $link_query_string, $preserve_styles, $remove_ids, $remove_classes, $remove_comments);

Simplest usage:
$pre = Premailer::html($var_with_some_html_in);
$html = $pre['html'];
$plain = $pre['plain'];
//Similarly for URLs:
$pre = Premailer::url($url);

I suggest you start with reading up on classes, then the documentation for this particular class, and then try it and see what happens.

On the other hand, the last 6 lines of the class show you exactly how to use it...

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