i am a newbie on php programming and try working on my last project in my school. My program is to compare 2 different xml file, it working well at first. but when i tried to add more xml file to compare, the page keeps telling "Fatal error: Call to a member function hasChildNodes() on a non-object" i dont know why :(
anyone has an idea why this message keeps appear? thank you.. your comment is much appreciated.
this is the error :
Fatal error: Call to a member function hasChildNodes() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\new_6jan.php on line 46
this is the code of new_6jan.php
//bikin radio button buat milih nama file produk yang mau di compare
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$dom1= new DOMDocument;
$dom1->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom2= new DOMDocument;
$dom2->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom3= new DOMDocument;
$dom3->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
function hasChild($hc){
foreach ($hc->childNodes as $c){
if($c->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
return true;
return false;
function shownode($x){
foreach($x->childNodes as $p){
if (hasChild($p)){
echo $p->nodeName . " ->HAS CHILD <br> ";
} elseif ($p->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
echo $p->nodeName . " " . $p->nodeValue . '<br>';
include "child1.php";
include "sub_child12.php";
include "ret_dbdata.php";
include "ret_reqdata.php";
//include "count_req.php"; belum solved. ntar si softspec out aja ditambahin kondisi.
//soalnya yang gak punya anak juga diitung isinya requirementnya.
include "count_sped.php";
//include "ret_dbmtk.php";
include "matching_child1.php";
//include "matching_child_mtk.php";
//include "saving_result.php";
echo "Spreadrum Match : " . $match ."<br>";
echo "Mtk P800 Match : " . $match_mtk ."<br>";
echo "Requirement : " . $count ."<br>";
echo "Product Specification Spreadrum: " . $count_sped ."<br>";
echo "Product Specification MTK: " . $count_mtk ."<br>";
if($match > $count){
echo "Invalid Input... <br>";
echo "Please Try again";
//masukin button back yang redirect ke tempat input
//include "grafik_bar.php";
<img src="grafik_bar.php?sped=<?$match?>">
echo "<br>" . "<br>";
echo " Total Match Percentage Spreadrum : " . $mp_sped . "%" . "<br>";
echo " Total Match Percentage MTK : " . $mp_mtk . "%";
and i after i do some debugging, i think the problem is relies on file ret_dbmtk.php,
include matching_child1.php, and matching_child_mtk.php
here goes the code for matching_child1.php
function hasChild($hc){
foreach ($hc->childNodes as $c){
if($c->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
return true;
return false;
foreach($child_2 as $y){
if ($m1 == NULL){
if ($m2 == NULL){
foreach($m2->childNodes as $a){
$ca = $a->nodeName;
//ca isinya sms, dll
if ($ca != "#text"){
//echo $ca . "<br>";
if ($mc1 == NULL){
foreach($a->childNodes as $ac){
//y,caa isinya anaknya mwr,dll
if($anak3 != "#text"){
if ($mcc1 == NULL){
if ($mcc2 == NULL){
//echo $anak3 . "<br>";
$ibu31=$mc1->nodeName; $ibu32=$a->nodeName;
if($ibu31 == $ibu32 ){
if($varr1[$ibu31][$anak3] == $varr2[$ibu32][$anak3] && ($varr2[$ibu32][$anak3]!= Null || $varr2[$ibu32][$anak3]!= "")){
//echo $ibu31 ."->".$anak3 ." " . $varr1[$ibu31][$anak3] ."<br>";
$elemn1=$m1->nodeName; $elemn2=$m2->nodeName;
if($elemn1 == $elemn2){
//echo $elemn1 . " " . $elemn2 . "<br>";
//echo $ca . " 1 " . $nc1[$elemn1][$ca] . " 2 " . $nc2[$elemn2][$ca] ."<br>";
if($nc1[$elemn1][$ca] == $nc2[$elemn2][$ca] && ($nc1[$elemn1][$ca]!= Null || $nc1[$elemn1][$ca]!= "")){
//echo $elemn1 . " " . $ca . "->" . $nc1[$elemn1][$ca] . "<br>";
//ngambil anaknya tools yang gak punya anak (kaya chat, clock,dll)
$elemn1=$m1->nodeName; $elemn2=$m2->nodeName;
if ($elemn2 == $elemn1)/*bs gak dipake*/{
if ($pn1[$elemn1] == $pn2[$elemn2] && ($pn2[$elemn2]!= Null || $pn2[$elemn2]!= "")){
//echo $elemn1 . " ". $pn1[$elemn1] ."<br>" ;
else {
and this for ret_dbmtk.php. (actually the ret_dbmtk.php is identical code with ret_dbdata.php and ret_reqdata.php except their loading different xml file . it working well on both file, but on this one, it keeps telling me the error that i said above :( )
foreach($child_2 as $y){
if ($child32 == NULL){
//echo $y. " ";
//anaknya data_con/message -> sms,mms,dll.
foreach($child32->childNodes as $c1){
$search = $c1->nodeName;
//echo $search;
if ($c31 == NULL){
if($c1->nodeName != "#text"){
//c1 isinya gprs, mms,dll
//echo $search . " ";
if (hasChild($c31)){
foreach ($c1->childNodes as $ccv){
if($ccv->nodeName !="#text"){
$anak1 = $ccv->nodeName;
$varr3[$ibu1][$anak1] = $ccv->nodeValue;
//echo $ibu1 . " -> " . $anak1 . $varr3[$ibu1][$anak1] . "<br>";
if($search != "#text" ){
$nc3[$child32->nodeName][$search] = $c31->nodeValue;
//echo $child32->nodeName . $c1->nodeName . " -> " . $nc3[$child32->nodeName][$c1->nodeName] ."<br>";
else {
if($child32->nodeName != "#text"){
$pn3[$child32->nodeName] = $child32->nodeValue;
//echo $child32->nodeName . " -> " . $pn3[$child32->nodeName] ."<br>";
anyone can help me? :)