I Hope Any One Can Modify My File
To Working Fine ...
Sorry 4 My English

if ( ( "randgames.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) )
    ( "Location: ../" );
    exit( );
$xBhtml = ( "table.tpl", $ccthemes );
$unixtime = ( );
$deltime = $unixtime - $randcachetime;
@( "DELETE from temac4pgames WHERE cat_id='{$catidg}' AND loclid='{$CCrow['id']}' AND timer<'{$deltime}'" );
$Wcats = @( "SELECT * FROM temac4pgames WHERE loclid='{$CCrow['id']}' AND cat_id='{$catidg}' ORDER BY id LIMIT 0,8" );
$c3dd = @( $Wcats );
if ( $c3dd == 0 )
    $Wcats = @( "SELECT * FROM ac4pgames WHERE showgames='1' AND  cat_id='{$catidg}' AND id!='{$CCrow['id']}' ORDER BY rand() DESC LIMIT 0,8" );
    $xrandfiles = "<div align=\"center\">";
    $count = 0;
    while ( $Xrow = @( $Wcats ) )
        if ( !( $result = @( "INSERT into temac4pgames (cat_id,gid,timer,loclid) VALUES ('{$Xrow['cat_id']}','{$Xrow['id']}','{$unixtime}','{$CCrow['id']}')" ) ) )
            exit( ( ) );
        @( $Xrow );
        if ( $htmllink == on )
            $xRokkkm = ( $gameurl, $Xrow[id], $Xrow[title] );
            $xRokkkm = "play.php?id={$Xrow['id']}";
        $pic = "<a title=\"{$title}\" href=\"{$xRokkkm}\"><img style=\"margin: 3px 3px;\" class=\"picstyle1\" width=\"60\" height=\"50\" src=\"{$Xrow['filepic']}\" alt=\"{$Xrow['title']}\" border=0></a>";
        $xrandfiles .= "{$pic}\n";
    $xrandfiles .= "</div>\n";
    $xrandfiles = "<div align=\"center\">";
    $count = 0;
    while ( $xXrow = @( $Wcats ) )
        $xWcats = @( "SELECT * FROM ac4pgames WHERE showgames='1' AND  cat_id='{$catidg}' AND id='{$xXrow['gid']}'" );
        $xXrow = @( $xWcats );
        @( $xXrow );
        if ( $htmllink == on )
            $xRokkkm = ( $gameurl, $xXrow[id], $xXrow[title] );
            $xRokkkm = "play.php?id={$xXrow['id']}";
        $pic = "<a title=\"{$xXrow['title']}\" href=\"{$xRokkkm}\"><img style=\"margin: 3px 3px;\" class=\"picstyle1\" width=\"60\" height=\"50\" src=\"{$xXrow['filepic']}\" alt=\"{$xXrow['title']}\" border=0></a>";
        $xrandfiles .= "{$pic}\n";
    $xrandfiles .= "</div>\n";
$xBhtml = ( "{title}", "ملفات ذات صلة", $xBhtml );
$xBhtml = ( "{content}", "{$xrandfiles}", $xBhtml );
$randfiles = $xBhtml;

You have an error in line 1:

if ( ( "randgames.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) )

The comma (,) is unexpected there but i think you forgot to put the function name:

if ( [B]<some_function_here>[/B] ( "randgames.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) )

Plz help Me In all Lines ... Thx

What do you want to achieve (post more info)? Do you get any errors (post them)?

I Have That Script It`s free Script But Encoded With Ioncube
I decoded But The files Have Errors Like U See I Don`t Know Any Thing About Php Language If U Want To Upload Full Script (Encoded + Decoded) Tell Me
I Want To Decoded The Files To Edit The Script Like width And Height Of The Pics ..
The Encoded Script In That Url
The Decoded Script In That Url

I Hope U Can Help me :(

Dear wenothat,

I would be happy to help you but I think your problem is very complex. I do not have enough time to load an application form the above link (72 scripts) and try to find where you adapted it and what went wrong within this process. If you ask me, it is not a good idea at all to use the such complex code which you do not understand since you can create a lot of risky situations for yourself, your customer, your employer or your provider. My advice is: learn PHP to a level that you understand the working of the application you want to develop/customize and when you have concrete problems ask people on forum (this or others) to help. This is also what the rules of this forum (and most others) say.

This advice is not because I do not want to help but because it is better for you.

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