I have a search function where the user selects from drop down boxes.
There are 4 fields to choose from and any of the 15 combinations can be used to search with.
I am using Else If and the very first IF works, but when it is false it doesnt move on to the next condition.
Here is part of my code as the rest is very similar:
if ("'".$_POST['type_id']."' =='' and '".$_POST['location_id']."' >'0' and '".$_POST['bedroom_id']."' >'0' and '".$_POST['price_id']."' >'0' ")
$Select = "Select * from homes, type, bedrooms, prices, area where homes.type_id = type.id and homes.bedroom_id = bedrooms.id and
homes.location_id = area.id and homes.price_id = prices.id and rented <> 0 and bedroom_id = '".$_POST['bedroom_id']."'
and location_id = '".$_POST['location_id']."' and price_id = '".$_POST['price_id']."' order by price desc";
$Homes = mysql_query($Select);
else if
("'".$_POST['bedroom_id']."' =='' and '".$_POST['location_id']."' >'0' and '".$_POST['type_id']."' >'0' and '".$_POST['price_id']."' >'0' ")
$Select = "Select * from homes, type, bedrooms, prices, area where homes.type_id = type.id and homes.bedroom_id = bedrooms.id and
homes.location_id = area.id and homes.price_id = prices.id and rented <> 0 and type_id = '".$_POST['type_id']."'
and location_id = '".$_POST['location_id']."' and price_id = '".$_POST['price_id']."' order by price desc";
$Homes = mysql_query($Select);
$Select = "Select * from homes, type, bedrooms, prices, area where homes.type_id = type.id and homes.bedroom_id = bedrooms.id
and homes.location_id = area.id and homes.price_id = prices.id and rented <> 0 order by price desc";
$Homes = mysql_query($Select);
Where have I gone wrong?
Thanks in advance