Hello. I'm in the middle of updating a site for work and I'm stuck at the moment, so I was wondering could anyone help me out if possible. I'm new to PHP and HTML, been using them for nearly 2 weeks.
What I'm doing is that there is 5 forms for the user to select, any one can be selected. Once the user fills in the form and submits the form I would like the Admin (a email address) to get a email, and in that email I would like to display the form that the user has filled out. So say for example the form has:
Document Title - ABC123
Document Number - 12345
Document Name - Annual Report
Author Name - Joe Bloggs
The user fills it in and once submit is hit the admin gets an email that contains the exact information above. Could anyone point me in the right direction? I've Googled the problem but I can only find how to display an email form, not submit a page and recieve data in an email filled out the way it was submitted
I only have a small bit of code but it doesn't work and I'm unsure of how to go about doing this so if anyone could help me I'd appreciate it alot.