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Hi guys I am making a new website. However I have reached a dead end and need assistants.

Now I am making something similar to w3schools, if you go to

and just click on HTML. Then you see how the website still remains it's consistancy, but the items on the left change to all HTML items? (HTML introduction, Basics etc) Are they using more than one template?

How can I do the same thing?


They are using the same template for the page design but loading different data into the page sections.
The easiset way to do this is with static HTML of course of simply type the menu directly into the page code.
If you want to dynamically populate the data then your code behind connects to your data source and prepares the data before inserting it into the page.
BUt, to answer your question, no, the same template will suffice

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Would using nested master pages be easeir?

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