I created a javascript registration form and when the user submits the form, a 'sendemail.php' file will send the data in the form to my gmail email account. The code from 'sendemail.php' is shown below:
$mail->IsSMTP(); // Fixed.
$mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; // Or Hotmail.
$mail->Port = '587'; // Fixed.
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // Fixed.
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Fixed.
$mail->Username = 'email@gmail.com'; // Your username.
$mail->Password = 'password'; // Your password.
$mail->Timeout = 30; // Timeout 30 seconds.
$pname = $_REQUEST['pname'] ;
$sex = $_REQUEST['sex'] ;
$age = $_REQUEST['age'] ;
$hosp = $_REQUEST['hosp'] ;
$ic = $_REQUEST['ic'] ;
$padd = $_REQUEST['padd'] ;
$ptel = $_REQUEST['ptel'] ;
$emname1 = $_REQUEST['emname1'] ;
$emcon1 = $_REQUEST['emcon1'] ;
$emname2 = $_REQUEST['emname2'] ;
$emcon2 = $_REQUEST['emcon2'] ;
$medcon = $_REQUEST['medcon'] ;
$aller = $_REQUEST['aller'] ;
$mail->SetFrom('email@gmail.com', 'General Registration'); // Your username.
$mail->AddAddress('email@gmail.com', 'Admin'); // Recipient.
$mail->Subject = 'Registration';
$mail->Body = "\r\n Patient Name: " . $pname . "\r\n Sex: ". $sex . "\r\n Age: ". $age . "\r\n Hospital: "
. $hosp . "\r\n IC: " . $ic . "\r\n Address: " . $padd . "\r\n Contact: " . $ptel . "\r\n Emergency Contact Person 1: "
. $emname1 . "\r\n Emergency Contact 1 Tel: " . $emcon1 . "\r\n Emergency Contact Person2: " . $emname2
. "\r\n Emergency Contact 2 Tel: " . $emcon2 . "\r\n Medical Condition: " . $medcon . "\r\n Allergies: " . $aller;
echo '<p class="ok">Registration sent, Thank you!</p>';
The problem: It is not emailing the details to my email.
The error shown is :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'phpmailerException' with message 'SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.' in /home/lifelink/public_html/class/class.phpmailer.php:814 Stack trace: #0 /home/lifelink/public_html/class/class.phpmailer.php(705): PHPMailer->SmtpConnect() #1 /home/lifelink/public_html/class/class.phpmailer.php(576): PHPMailer->SmtpSend('Date: Wed, 25 J...', '? Patient Name:...') #2 /home/lifelink/public_html/sendemail.php(45): PHPMailer->Send() #3 {main} thrown in /home/lifelink/public_html/class/class.phpmailer.php on line814
I'm not well-versed in php, so I'm not sure if there's some problem with my code or x10hosting doesn't allow it.
NOTE: I tested my code locally and it worked. The error only appeared after i uploaded the codes.