Hi all Im a a newbie here and am currently haveing my first go at servlets. I am using netbeans5.5 and apache tomcat 6.0 and trying a simple helloThere servlet. Every time I try and compile it either with command line javac command or netbeans I get the above error. I have trawled teh help guides and web for help but it doesnt really help. Any ideas ?

Because there is no javax.servlets
javax.servlet, reference here

sorry that was a typo in this message. But still no nearer to trying fix the problem

Did you set CLASSPATH to jsp-api.jar and servlet-api.jar?

yes I set environmental variables to point to tomcat jar files but should they point to the jsp-api.jar in tomcat jdk or netbeans - sorry very confused / Thanks for your patience !!

tomcat, nothing to do with netbeans

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