Hey all,

Just wrapping up a project for a custom photography site. My client has asked me to make sure that we can upload several images with each image being anywhere from 10MB to 20MB each in size. I simply told him to get his own server to handle that kind of uploading and he wasn't having it. He countered with the fact that he had used photoshelter.com successfully for this exact issue. He said that he had uploaded around 1200 images and all went fine. He did explain that it took 3 days to do so but the fact was that it was possible.

What I need to know is, will a dedicated server be enough to handle this kind of thing without timing out or interrupting the process given a consistent connection speed?

Anyone with some serious experience in this matter would be great. How does photoshelter.com do such a thing?

Really interested in seeing what you all have to say here...

Thanks in advance for any and all feedback..

Create an account if you can and find out. Most likely it is some plugin. For example what plUpload does. It can be Flash, Silverlight, JSP. As long as the connection doesn't fail, it will act as an intermediate between client and server. Basically it will keep running until it is done. If you want faster processing I suggest you give him FTP access, because that will be much quicker and convenient.

Hey pritaeas...thanks for the scope on that. Anyone else have any insight on a solid hosting platform for something like this? Was really hoping to get some choices here...

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