Just got an entry level web developer position the city. It starts in 2 weeks. I would love some tips on how to effectively prepare. I'm an IT major not computer science, so my classes focused more on systems and databases rather than programming. I had a really good interview with them, but I'm afraid they may think I know more than I do. I don't want them to ask me to do something and be dumbfounded. So I'm dedicating around 8 hours every day for the next 2 weeks to learn as much as I can. I have basic experience in HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, and Java.
So far I've downloaded video tutorials on HTML5, ASP.net, C#, Java (more advanced), PHP/MySql. I also plan on reading w3schools.com guides on CSS, Javascript, and JQuery. If I have any time left over then before my job starts I will look up video tutorials on Flash and Photoshop.
Am I doing it right? Any tips in general?