Just got an entry level web developer position the city. It starts in 2 weeks. I would love some tips on how to effectively prepare. I'm an IT major not computer science, so my classes focused more on systems and databases rather than programming. I had a really good interview with them, but I'm afraid they may think I know more than I do. I don't want them to ask me to do something and be dumbfounded. So I'm dedicating around 8 hours every day for the next 2 weeks to learn as much as I can. I have basic experience in HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, and Java.

So far I've downloaded video tutorials on HTML5, ASP.net, C#, Java (more advanced), PHP/MySql. I also plan on reading w3schools.com guides on CSS, Javascript, and JQuery. If I have any time left over then before my job starts I will look up video tutorials on Flash and Photoshop.

Am I doing it right? Any tips in general?

I think you are on the right track. Of course, there is nothing like having the experience, but you mentioned that this is entry level, so the only expectation really should be is understanding the concepts.

Aside from reading, you should definately build some examples using the various technologies you mentioned.

I would definately focus on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, and jQuery.

then...depending on what they use for server-side, its probably going to be either PHP, JAVA, or ASP.NET.

Flash and photoshop come from field experience...unless you attended a technical school, most university classes dont dive into specific products like Adobe.

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First off, congratulations. It's great to land that kinda gig.

From a non technical point of view. Befriend everyone, and make sure you're making the right impressions. Come in early then stay late... Once everything has settled you can relax a little later on.

Second, experience is experience so there is little you can do to make up from something you read in a book or tutorial. It's like watching someone do a few reps in the gym. It counts for nothing unless you do the same.

That being said, practice after you go through your online tutorials is a good way to 'FAKE' your experience. I've never really had any formal programming training whatsover and mostly I've learned from sites such as this... Yet in spite of this, I feel confident.

So watch an online tutorial then try to put it into action somehow. As you work through it you will come across problems you need to solve. Being in a professional environment you will naturally learn to code to industry standards.

Try looking into code version control as well if you get a chance.


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