Hello everyone, I have a website with admin panel...the admin can upload news and I want the users to be able to submit news like me but after theyr news are reviewed and approved from me how can I do this I will show my upload script from the admin panel . I hope there will be someone to help me. Thanks in advance.

if (!defined('IN_MEDIA_ADMIN')) die("Hacking attempt");

$edit_url = 'javascript:history.go(-2)';
$edit_del = 'javascript:history.go(-1)';

$inp_arr = array(
        'name'      => array(
            'table' =>  'episode_name',
            'name'  =>  'НОМЕР НА ЕПИЗОД',
            'type'  =>  'free',
        'film'      => array(
            'table' =>  'episode_film',
            'name'  =>  'ИМЕ НА АНИМЕ',
            'type'  =>  'function::acp_film::number',
        'file_type' => array(
            'table' =>  'episode_type',
            'name'  =>  'ВИД',
            'desc'  =>  'If not already known in order to wear think of',
            'type'  =>  'function::set_type::number',
            'change_on_update'  =>  true,
        'local_url'    => array(
            'table'    =>    'episode_local',
            'name'    =>    'ЛОКАЛНО URL',
            'type'    =>    'function::acp_local::number',
        'url'       => array(
            'table' =>  'episode_url',
            'name'  =>  'Линк',
            'type'  =>  'free',
        'new_film'  =>  array(
            'name'  =>  'БЪРЗО ДОБАВЯНЕ НА АНИМЕ',
            'type'  =>  'function::acp_quick_add_film_form::free',
            'desc'  =>  'If database ised havent Web is gently self-made',
            'can_be_empty'  =>  true,

if ($mode == 'multi_add') {
    if($level == 2) acp_check_permission_mod('add_film');
if ($mode == 'multi_add_phim88') {
    if($level == 2) acp_check_permission_mod('add_film');
if ($mode == 'edit') {
    if ($_POST['do']) {
        $arr = $_POST['checkbox'];
        if (!count($arr)) die('BROKEN');
        if ($_POST['selected_option'] == 'del') {
        if($level == 2) acp_check_permission_mod('del_film');
        $in_sql = implode(',',$arr);
        $mysql->query("DELETE FROM ".$tb_prefix."episode WHERE episode_id IN (".$in_sql.")");           
            echo "DEL FINISH <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=".$edit_del."'>";
        if($level == 2) acp_check_permission_mod('edit_film');
        if ($_POST['selected_option'] == 'multi_edit') {
            $arr = implode(',',$arr);
            header("Location: ./?act=multi_edit_episode&id=".$arr);
        elseif ($_POST['selected_option'] == 'normal') {
            $in_sql = implode(',',$arr);
            $mysql->query("UPDATE ".$tb_prefix."episode SET episode_broken = 0 WHERE episode_id IN (".$in_sql.")");
            $broken_fix = $mysql->fetch_array($mysql->query("SELECT episode_film FROM ".$tb_prefix."episode WHERE episode_id IN (".$in_sql.")"));
            $mysql->query("UPDATE ".$tb_prefix."film SET film_broken = 0 WHERE film_id = '".$broken_fix['episode_film']."'");
            echo "EDIT FINISH <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=".$edit_url."'>";
    elseif ($episode_id) {
        if($level == 2) acp_check_permission_mod('edit_film');
        if (!$_POST['submit']) {
            $q = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM ".$tb_prefix."episode WHERE episode_id = '$episode_id'");
            if (!$mysql->num_rows($q)) {
                echo "THERE IS NO EPISODE";
            $r = $mysql->fetch_array($q);

            foreach ($inp_arr as $key=>$arr) $$key = $r[$arr['table']];
        else {
            $error_arr = array();
            $error_arr = $form->checkForm($inp_arr);
            if (!$error_arr) {
                if($file_type == 0) $file_type = acp_type($url);
                if ($new_film) {
                if(move_uploaded_file ($_FILES['upload_img']['tmp_name'],'../'.$img_film_folder."/".$_FILES['upload_img']['name']))
                $new_film_img = $img_film_folder."/".$_FILES['upload_img']['name'];
                else $new_film_img = $_POST['url_img'];
                $film = acp_quick_add_film($new_film,$new_film_img,$actor,$year,$time,$area,$director,$cat,$info,$country);
                $sql = $form->createSQL(array('UPDATE',$tb_prefix.'episode','episode_id','episode_id'),$inp_arr);
                echo "EDIT FINISH <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=".$edit_url."'>";
        $warn = $form->getWarnString($error_arr);
        $form->createForm('EDIT EPISODE',$inp_arr,$error_arr);
    else {
        if($level == 2) acp_check_permission_mod('edit_film');      
        $episode_per_page = 30;
        if (!$pg) $pg = 1;
        if ($film_id) {
        $q = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM ".$tb_prefix."episode WHERE episode_film='".$film_id."' ".(($extra)?"AND ".$extra." ":'')."ORDER BY episode_id DESC LIMIT ".(($pg-1)*$episode_per_page).",".$episode_per_page);
        $tt = get_total('episode','episode_id',"WHERE episode_film = '".$film_id."' ".(($extra)?"AND ".$extra." ":''));
        if ($mysql->num_rows($q)) {
            echo "<table width=90% align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=border><form name=media_list method=post action=$link onSubmit=\"return check_checkbox();\">";
            echo "<tr align=center><td width='3%' class=title></td><td class=title width=40%>EPISODE || LINK</td><td class=title>FILM NAME</td><td class=title width=7%>BROKEN</td><td class=title width=10%>CHANGE</td><td class=title width=10%>CHECK</td></tr>";
            while ($r = $mysql->fetch_array($q)) {
                $id = $r['episode_id'];
                $episode_name = $r['episode_name'];
                $film_name = check_data(get_data("film_name","film","film_id",$r['episode_film']));
                $broken = ($r['episode_broken'])?'<font color=red><b>X</b></font>':'';
                if($r['episode_local']) $url = get_data('local_link','local','local_id',$r['episode_local']).$r['episode_url'];
                else $url = $r['episode_url'];
                echo "<tr><td class=fr><input class=checkbox type=checkbox id=checkbox onclick=docheckone() name=checkbox[] value=$id></td><td class=fr><a href='index.php?act=episode&mode=edit&episode_id=".$id."'><b>- ".$episode_name."</b></a><br><font color=red>".$url."</font></td><td class=fr_2 align=center><b><a href=?act=film&mode=edit&film_id=".$r['episode_film'].">".$film_name."</a></b></td><td  class=fr_2 align=center>".$broken."</td><td class=fr align=center><a href='?act=edit_episode&id=".$id."'>CHANGE</a> </td><td class=fr align=center><a href='../anime-mini-1-".$id.".html' target=_blank >PLAY</a> </td></tr>";
            echo '<tr><td class=fr><input class=checkbox type=checkbox name=chkall id=chkall onclick=docheck(document.media_list.chkall.checked,0) value=checkall></td>
                 <td colspan=7 align="center" class=fr>WITH EPISODES CHOOSED '.
                '<select name=selected_option>
                <option value=multi_edit>EDIT</option>
                <option value=del>DELETE</option>
                <option value=normal>FIX BROKEN</option></select>'.
                '<input type="submit" name="do" class=submit value="SEND"></td></tr>';
            echo "<tr><td colspan=8>".admin_viewpages($tt,$episode_per_page,$pg)."</td></tr>";
            echo '</form></table>';
        else echo "THERE IS NO EPISODES";

1 )Your site is in joomla/wordpress/drupal or custom?
2) Are you owner or programmer?

  1. The CMS is called Xtremedia and its moded
  2. Im the owner

if the user can enter the article, bydefault set its article status as 0 and then let the admin to view all the articles from where he csn change the status and where you have to show the articles, you can select the articles like
select * from article where status = 1

There is no such function for users so I will try to make it from scratch...

you can use the same as admin, you just have to check if it is commin gfrom admin, status will be 1 and if its from user, status will be 0

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