I am currently in the process of creating a open source dating script. I am nearly there. Just one thing that I can see that is an error now. When a user completes there profile, other users can see the answers, but the person who the profile belongs to can't. I presume there is something in it that is stopping the user seeing there own profile. I just can't put my finger on it. The code is as follows:

Smarty TPL file

<link href="includes/livevalidation/livevalidation.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="includes/livevalidation/livevalidation.js"></script>
<div class="profile tabs-main">
<h1>{$user.username} {lang mkey='profile'}</h1>
<ul class="tabNavigation-main">
  <li><a class="selected" href="#0-main" onclick="return false;"><span>{lang mkey='pulse'}</span></a></li>
  {if $found == 1}
  {assign var="ctop" value=0}
  {foreach item=item from=$pref}
  {assign var="ctop" value=$ctop+1}
  <li><a class="" href="#{$ctop}-main" onclick="return false;"><span>{$item.SectionName}</span></a></li>
  <li><a class="" href="#1-main" onclick="return false;"><span>{lang mkey='profile_details'}</span></a></li>
<div class="tabs-holder-main">
  <div style="display:block;" id="0-main">
    <div class="contentBox">
      <div class="bgBtm">
        <div class="bgTop">
          <div class="holder searchContent">

             {if $smarty.session.UserId != '' && $smarty.session.UserId == $smarty.get.id}
             <form action="" onSubmit="javascript:changeStatus({if $smarty.session.UserId != ''}{if $smarty.session.UserId != ''}{$smarty.session.UserId}{else}0{/if}{else}0{/if}); return false;" name="search_form_status" method="post">
              <div class="formSearch">
                <div class="bgBot">
                  <label for="search5">Search field</label>
                  <span class="txt">
                  <input name="status" id="e8" maxlength="1000" value="What's on your mind?" type="text">
                   <div class="area"> 
                  <b>{lang mkey='toShare'}<br>

              <div id="home_whatsnew">
              <div id="Bottom">
                <ul class="userResults">
                  <div id="showing"><span style="color:#999;">{lang mkey='showing'} {$upr+1}{lang mkey='to'}{if $dataResults|@count > $psize+$upr}{$psize+$upr}{else}{$dataResults|@count}{/if} {lang mkey='of'} {$dataResults|@count}</span></div>
                  <div id="all_div"> {assign var="uprPSIZE" value=$psize+$upr+1}
                    {assign var="n" value="$upr"}
                    {assign var="pageno" value=$smarty.get.offset}
                    {if $pageno == ""}{assign var="pageno" value=1}{/if}
                    {foreach item="item" key=key from=$dataResults}
                    {math equation="$n+1" assign="n"}
                    {if $item.userid > 0}
                    {if $n < $psize+$upr}
                    <li id="action_{$item.id}">
                      <div class="item-holder">
                        <div class="txt-box">
                          <div class="container">
                            <div style="float: left; width: 440px;">
                              <p> {if $item.gender == 'M'}<img src="{$image_dir}icons/user.png" alt="{$item.gender}">{else}<img src="{$image_dir}icons/user_red.png" alt="{$item.gender}">{/if}<a href="index.php?page=profile&id={$item.userid}">{$item.username}</a> {$item.activity}</p>
                            <div class="row" style="float: left; width: 440px;">
                              <div class="via"> <span>{$item.rttime}</span> <img src="{$image_dir}realtime/ico-1.png" alt="{$config.site_name|stripslashes}" width="16" height="16"> </div>
                        <a href="index.php?page=profile&id={$item.userid}" class="photo"><img src="getsnap.php?id={$item.userid}&typ=small" height="48" width="48" /></a> </div>
                      <div style="display: block; width:100%;" class="comments active-text">
                          <ul style="display: block;">
                              {foreach item="com" from=$getComsLikes}
                              {if $item.id == $com.comment_id}
                              <li><a style="float: left; margin: 3px;" class="photo" href="index.php?page=profile&id={$com.userid}"><img height="48" width="48" title="{$com.username}" src="getsnap.php?id={$com.userid}&typ=small"></a>
                                <p style="line-height: 22px; padding-left: 3px;"><a href="index.php?page=profile&id={$com.userid}" class="toc"><strong>{$com.username}</strong></a>: {$com.comment}</p>
                      <div class="pulse" id="reply_box_{$item.id}" style="display: none;">
                        <div class="comments">
                          <div class="block" id="like_count_{$item.id}" style="display: none;">
                            <div id="like_{$item.id}" style="display: none;"></div>
                            <ul id="reply_sec_{$item.id}">
                    {/foreach} </div>
            {if $total_pages|@count > 1}
            {assign var="pageno" value=$smarty.get.offset}
            {if $pageno == ""}{assign var="pageno" value=1}{/if}
            {if $pageno != "1"} <a href="index.php?page=search&realtime&request={$RTrequest}{if $rtsortby}&sort={$rtsortby}{/if}&offset=1" class="btnBlueB"><span>{lang mkey='first'}</span><em></em></a>  <a href="index.php?page=search&realtime&request={$RTrequest}{if $rtsortby}&sort={$rtsortby}{/if}&offset={$pageno-1}" class="btnBlueB"><span>{lang mkey='previous'}</span><em></em></a> 
            {if $total_pages|@count <= 5}
            {foreach item=pagenos from=$total_pages}
            {if $pageno != $pagenos} <a href="index.php?page=search&realtime&request={$RTrequest}{if $rtsortby}&sort={$rtsortby}{/if}&offset={$pagenos}" class="btnBlueB"><span>{$pagenos}</span><em></em></a> 
            {else} <a href="#" class="btnBlueB"><span>{$pagenos}</span><em></em></a> 
            {foreach item=pagenos from=$pages_show}
            {if $pageno != $pagenos} <a href="index.php?page=search&realtime&request={$RTrequest}{if $rtsortby}&sort={$rtsortby}{/if}&offset={$pagenos}" class="btnBlueB"><span>{$pagenos}</span><em></em></a> 
            {else} <a href="#" class="btnBlueB"><span>{$pagenos}</span><em></em></a> 
            {if $pageno !=  $total_pages|@count} <a href="index.php?page=search&realtime&request={$RTrequest}{if $rtsortby}&sort={$rtsortby}{/if}&offset={$pageno+1}" class="btnBlueB"><span>{lang mkey='next'}</span><em></em></a>  <a href="index.php?page=search&realtime&request={$RTrequest}{if $rtsortby}&sort={$rtsortby}{/if}&offset={$total_pages|@count}" class="btnBlueB"><span>{lang mkey='last'}</span><em></em></a> 
            <div class="clear"></div>
  {if $found == 1}
  {assign var="ctop2" value=0}
  {foreach item=item from=$pref}
  {assign var="ctop2" value=$ctop2+1}
  <div style="display:none;" id="{$ctop2}-main">
    <div class="contentBox">
      <div class="bgBtm">
        <div class="bgTop">
          <div class="holder profileDetails userDetails"> {assign var="previd" value="0"}
            {assign var="prefCnt" value=0}
            {foreach item=subitem from=$item.preferences}
            {assign var="prefCnt" value=$prefCnt+1}
            <div> {if $prefCnt == '1'}
              <div class="box-ttl">
              <div class="heading" style="margin-left:-24px;">
              {if $subitem.type == "select" || $subitem.type == "radio"}
              <div class="tabs-holder">
                <div id="first-4-{$prefCnt}">{if $subitem.options != ''}{$subitem.options|stripslashes }{else}{lang mkey='tell_later'}{/if} </div>
              {elseif $subitem.type == "textarea"}
              <div class="tabs-holder">
                <div id="first-4-{$prefCnt}">{if $subitem.options != ''}{$subitem.options|stripslashes|nl2br}{else}{lang mkey='tell_later'}{/if} </div>
              {elseif $subitem.type == "checkbox"}
              <div class="tabs-holder">
                <div id="first-4-{$prefCnt}">{if $subitem.options != '' and $subitem.options != ', '}{$subitem.options|stripslashes }{else}{lang mkey='tell_later'}{/if} </div>
              {/if} </div>
            {assign var="previd" value=$item.id} </div>
  <div style="display:none;" id="1-main">
    <div class="contentBox">
      <div class="bgBtm">
        <div class="bgTop">
          <div class="holder profileDetails userDetails">
              <div class="box-ttl">
                <h2><span>{lang mkey='profile_details'}</span></h2>
              <div class="tabs-holder"> {if $smarty.session.UserId != '' && $smarty.session.UserId == $smarty.get.id}
                <div id="first-4-1"> {lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg1'} <a href="index.php?page=settings&profile">{lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg2'}</a> </div>
                <div id="first-4-1">{lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg3'}</div>
                {/if} </div>
  {/if} </div>
<script type="text/javascript">

The PHP File


$cVersion = '1.0';
$cType = 'widget';

    if ( $_SESSION['UserId'] =='' ) {

        header('location: index.php?page=login');


$vCheck = $fDB->getOne ("SELECT count(*) from ! where name = ? and type = ?", array( FUSE_VERSIONS, $cName, $cType) );
if ($vCheck != '1') {
    $fDB->query( 'insert into ! (name, version, type, date) values (?, ?, ?)', array( FUSE_VERSIONS, htmlentities($cName), htmlentities($cVersion), htmlentities($cType)) );
} else {
    $fDB->query( "UPDATE ! SET version = ? WHERE name = ? and type = ?" ,array( FUSE_VERSIONS, htmlentities($cVersion), htmlentities($cName), htmlentities($cType) ) );

unset($cName, $cVersion, $vCheck, $cType);

$rType = isset($_GET['type'])?$_GET['type']:'activity';
$psize = getPageSize(); 
$t->assign ( 'psize',  $psize );
$page_size = $psize;
$page = (int)(isset($_GET['offset'])?$_GET['offset']:1);
if( $page == 0 ) $page = 1;
$upr = ($page)*$page_size - $page_size;
$t->assign('getRTresultss', 'Yes');

if (!isset($_GET['request'])){
    $_GET['request'] = '';

    if (isset($_GET['request']) ) {
        $t->assign('RTrequest', $_GET['request']);
        $dataResults = $fDB->getAll('SELECT * FROM ! WHERE userid = '.$_REQUEST['id'].' ORDER by time desc LIMIT '.$upr.','.$page_size, array( REALTIME_ACTIVITY));
        $reccount = $fDB->getOne('select FOUND_ROWS()');
        foreach( $dataResults as $rtdata => $results ) {
            $results['rttime'] = timeago($results['time']);
            $results['age'] = $fDB->getOne('SELECT floor((to_days(curdate())-to_days(birth_date))/365.25) as age FROM ! WHERE id = ?' ,array( USER_TABLE,  $results['userid'] ));
            $results['country'] = $fDB->getOne( 'SELECT country FROM ! where id = ?', array( USER_TABLE, $results['userid'] ) );
            $results['username'] = $fDB->getOne( 'SELECT username FROM ! where id = ?', array( USER_TABLE, $results['userid'] ) );
            $results['state_province'] = $fDB->getOne( 'SELECT state_province FROM ! where id = ?', array( USER_TABLE, $results['userid'] ) );
            $results['countryname'] = getCountryName( $results['country'] );
            $results['statename'] = getStateName( $results['country'], $results['state_province'] );
            $results['ref_username'] = $fDB->getOne( 'SELECT username FROM ! where id = ?', array( USER_TABLE, $results['ref_id'] ) );
            $results['ref_gender'] = $fDB->getOne( 'SELECT gender FROM ! where id = ?', array( USER_TABLE, $results['ref_id'] ) );

                if ($results['is_status'] != 'yes') {

                    if ($results['ref_id'] != 'NULL') {
                        $ref_username = $fDB->getOne( 'SELECT username FROM ! where id = ?', array( USER_TABLE, $results['ref_id'] ) );
                        $ref_link = '<a href="index.php?page=profile&id='.$results['ref_id'].'">'.$ref_username.'</a>';
                        $results['activity'] = get_lang($results['activity']).' '.$ref_link;


            $dataResults[$rtdata] = $results;

        $t->assign ( 'total_recs',  $reccount );

        $total_pages = ceil( $reccount / $page_size );

        $pages_vals = array();

        for( $i=1; $i<=$total_pages; $i++ ) { $pages_vals[$i] = $i; }

        $t->assign ( 'total_pages',  $pages_vals );

        $page_limit = 5;
        $j = 1;
        if ( $page > 2 ) { $page = $page - 2; } else { $page = 1; }
        for( $i=$page; $i<=$total_pages; $i++ ) {
            $pages_show[$i] = $i;

            if ( $j > $page_limit ) break;

        $t->assign ( 'pages_show',  (isset($pages_show)?$pages_show:1) );

        $t->assign ( 'reccount',  $reccount );

        $t->assign( 'upr', $upr );

        $t->assign('dataResults', $dataResults);


Any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Just one thing that I can see that is an error now. When a user completes there profile, other users can see the answers, but the person who the profile belongs to can't. I presume there is something in it that is stopping the user seeing there own profile. I just can't put my finger on it.

That's alot of code to read can you just pin-point where the error is?

I am purely guessing here, but I think the code is somewhere in here

{if $found == 1}
  {assign var="ctop2" value=0}
  {foreach item=item from=$pref}
  {assign var="ctop2" value=$ctop2+1}
  <div style="display:none;" id="{$ctop2}-main">
    <div class="contentBox">
      <div class="bgBtm">
        <div class="bgTop">
          <div class="holder profileDetails userDetails"> {assign var="previd" value="0"}
            {assign var="prefCnt" value=0}
            {foreach item=subitem from=$item.preferences}
            {assign var="prefCnt" value=$prefCnt+1}
            <div> {if $prefCnt == '1'}
              <div class="box-ttl">
              <div class="heading" style="margin-left:-24px;">
              {if $subitem.type == "select" || $subitem.type == "radio"}
              <div class="tabs-holder">
                <div id="first-4-{$prefCnt}">{if $subitem.options != ''}{$subitem.options|stripslashes }{else}{lang mkey='tell_later'}{/if} </div>
              {elseif $subitem.type == "textarea"}
              <div class="tabs-holder">
                <div id="first-4-{$prefCnt}">{if $subitem.options != ''}{$subitem.options|stripslashes|nl2br}{else}{lang mkey='tell_later'}{/if} </div>
              {elseif $subitem.type == "checkbox"}
              <div class="tabs-holder">
                <div id="first-4-{$prefCnt}">{if $subitem.options != '' and $subitem.options != ', '}{$subitem.options|stripslashes }{else}{lang mkey='tell_later'}{/if} </div>
              {/if} </div>
            {assign var="previd" value=$item.id} </div>
  <div style="display:none;" id="1-main">
    <div class="contentBox">
      <div class="bgBtm">
        <div class="bgTop">
          <div class="holder profileDetails userDetails">
              <div class="box-ttl">
                <h2><span>{lang mkey='profile_details'}</span></h2>
              <div class="tabs-holder"> {if $smarty.session.UserId != '' && $smarty.session.UserId == $smarty.get.id}
                <div id="first-4-1"> {lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg1'} <a href="index.php?page=settings&profile">{lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg2'}</a> </div>
                <div id="first-4-1">{lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg3'}</div>
                {/if} </div>
  {/if} </div>

This is what displays the profile. What I want to do is have the user see what any other user sees. At present a user can see other people profiles without issue, the issue that I have is they can't see there own profile.

Any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


I am purely guessing here, but I think the code is somewhere in here

Did you write this script? If you did write this script then when you compile it was there an error?

What I want to do is have the user see what any other user sees. At present a user can see other people profiles without issue, the issue that I have is they can't see there own profile.

Where is that code located above?

Did you write this script? If you did write this script then when you compile it was there an error?

I have written elements of the script. It was an open source script that was abandoned by the then developer in 2010.

It's a good script, but there were a lot of bugs. I have fixed the majority of them. But I just don't have the PHP/Smarty knowledge to fix all of them. This is just one. But from what I can tell, this is the only thing that is left to be fixed.

regarding, compiling it. When the script is run there are no errors. The issue I have is a user can't see there own profile. So I am thinking there must be something in this that is stopping that from happening, what I don't know.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


It's a good script, but there were a lot of bugs.

This is a bit of a challenge. I'm not quite sure if anyone (including me) can help you with this.

<div class="holder profileDetails userDetails">
<div class="box-ttl">
<h2><span>{lang mkey='profile_details'}</span></h2>
<div class="tabs-holder"> {if $smarty.session.UserId != '' && $smarty.session.UserId == $smarty.get.id}
<div id="first-4-1"> {lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg1'} <a href="index.php?page=settings&profile">{lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg2'}</a> </div>
<div id="first-4-1">{lang mkey='view_profile_errmsg3'}</div>
{/if} </div>

Is there a smarty->assign(profileDetails, userDetails) ?

I have done a search for that string in the root folder but it isn't found.

profileDetails, userDetails

Is reference to CSS, not smarty, however if these are removed it does remove thr profile no matter who is looking at it.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


profileDetails, userDetails

I need to know whether there is an assign ($profileDetails, $userDetails) that's why I ask.

Is reference to CSS, not smarty, however if these are removed it does remove thr profile no matter who is looking at it.

No, you need CSS.

This is the simplest way I came up base on your script because all you want is the member to see their own profile:

if ($loggedinid == $userid) {

$view = $USER->get_profile_view();

}else {

$userobj = new User();


$view = $userobj->get_profile_view();

I was trying to figure out how to plug that code above in the code from the previous post

Thanks for that, I will have a look at that, been pretty busy with work over the past couple of days so not had the chance yet.

It turned out a small bit of JQuery code was required to fix it.

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