The code below is responsible to iterate the eachFilter array and then process the values in the array.
var eachFilter = ['stk_product In List 1002,1004','stk_status In List W,N'];
for(var i = 0; i < eachFilter.length ; i++){
var stk = ['stk_product','stk_status'];
var len1=0, len2=0, len3=0;
var re1 = new RegExp('\\b' + stk[i] + '\\b');
//First Match
var index1 = eachFilter[i].match(re1);
len1 = index1[i].length+2;
//Second Match
var re2 = new RegExp('\\b' + 'In List' + '\\b');
var index2 = eachFilter[i].match(re2);
len2 = index2[i].length+2;
//Third Match
len3 = (len1 + len2)-1;
Output 1:
"In List"
Output 2:
TypeError: index1[i] is undefined
Output 1 is correct but when it comes to Output 2 an error is shown. Did I miss or did something wrong?
Your help is kindly appreciated.
Thank You.