
By the way Javascript works Im not sure if this is possible but I would like to debug Javascript much like debugging C# or/and Java; I put a breakpoint in a line and press (for example) F5 so it goes to the next line/function and pauses and keeps going each time I press a key.

Is there any way how to do this?

If you use Firefox with firebug, here is the explanation. If you are using Chrome, someone has posted the picture of where you can push the step-in button. If you are using IE, good luck.

You can use debugger for setting breakpoints. it works like this:

var num1 = 0, num2 = 0, sum =0;
//set num1 to 4
num1 = 4;
//set num2 to 10
num2 = 10;
//here goes the debugger
debugger; //<--- code will stop right here
sum = num1 + num2;

Open your console then run the code: here's also a JSFIDDLE example i made: JSFiddle Example

OK, debugger is working pretty good for now. Ill keep playing with that.

Thank you.

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