I have been searching all morning and I cant seem to find a reliable source for a decent slideshow script, I am working on creating one myself now, if anyone has any helpfull hints or tips, or even if you have some code snipets that would be usefull for my slideshow script I would appreciate any contributions at all, I need it to be based off of an array as the contents will constantly change based on what the user selects to be place in, I also need it to be able to display details about the picture that is being displayed and I need to be able to control it (ie. pause, jump ahead and jump back) using buttons that I have defined and displayed below, thanks.

Member Avatar for diafol

The main coding here will be js. The mysql/php will just be used to store/retrieve the data. There are literally hundreds of js slideshows out there. Pick one you like the look of and have a look at how it accepts data, e.g. json info.

ok i will look into it thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I have been searching all morning and I cant seem to find a reliable source for a decent slideshow script

I think all or most scripts have the same function the only differences is the design which everyone looks at it first then used it but you can stay modify the code too also which everyone wouldn't do that either. Like what diafol mention the main code is js/jquery.

You can look at these 2 examples and run a test and if you like it modify it (design however you like):



ok thanks for the links I will look them over

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