I know many of you already done with this sort of situation
i have a form which have few fields and on submitting that form i want these field values save into two tables.
Both the tables contains a primary key and foriegn key.
Let table one have id as PK and table 2 has id as FK in that table so in this way these two tables are related to each other.
I am not getting how will i code to insert data in both tables in single funtion and using the PK and Fk constriant.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Let table one have id as PK and table 2 has id as FK in that table so in this way these two tables are related to each other.
I am not getting how will i code to insert data in both tables in single funtion and using the PK and Fk constriant.

I think your question is more related to the database rather than JSP.

You are talking about a query to let you insert data into the tables?

If yes, then it's about a query.

Then post your table structure.

Anything dealing with database needs a query regardless of what language either PHP, ASP.Net adn etc. Once you have a query then you need to implement the code to your JSP.

yupp i think i am not getting query for this:

Table 1 has 3 fields
id, name and password where id is primary key
Table 2 has 6-7 fields
name, address, city, age, gender etc and id as reference key from table 1.

So i need to insert datain both these table using a single query.
How do i acheive this.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

What database are you using?

MYSQL/MSSQL/Oracle or something else?

What are you trying to INSERT here (it's more like an admin table)? :

//Table 1 has 3 fields
id, name and password where id is primary key

What column data do you want to INSERT here?:

//Table 2 has 6-7 fields
name, address, city, age, gender etc and id as reference key from table 1.

i am using oracle 11g.
The scenario is like i have a registration form which contains all this fields and on registering the user i have to insert data in these two tables.
First username and password insert and then userdetail will insert in another table according to userid which is in uesrname password Table1 .
If i am going wrong then please explain me further it will help me alot.


Member Avatar for LastMitch

First username and password insert and then userdetail will insert in another table according to userid which is in uesrname password Table1 .

It sounds like if you want to JOIN a table? I'm a bit confused about user detail?

For example look at this query's INSERT:

INSERT INTO candy (mint candy) VALUES (mint);

The example I mention is that I insert mint candy to a new variable mint.

INSERT INTO state (state_abbrev) VALUES ('WA');

The example I mention is that I insert state_abbrev to a new variable WA.

I hope you can see how a INSERT works.

So base on the comment you mention you want the query to look like this:

INSERT INTO Table 1 (name, password) VALUES ('$name', '$password');

or this:

INSERT INTO Table 1 (name, password) VALUES ('$username', '$password');

I mean so far how do you want your query in Table 2? As for Table 1 the only query that make sense is this:

INSERT INTO Table 1 (name, password) VALUES ('$username', '$password');

You can JOIN (name, password) from Table 1 to Table 2.

I be honest with you I got no idea why you want to INSERT (name, password) when you can just JOIN the column to Table 2.

I hope understand how a INSERT looks like with your Table 1. I got no idea what you are trying to do.

But I understand insert query very well.
The problem is different.
Let me try 1 more time if you understand.
As database must be nomarlized we can not insert all values in a single table.
Now let take an example if the view page contains "username, name, age, address" and I want to insert "username, name and age" in userdetails table and address in another table useraddress.
Now how would i achieve this by single insert button click event.

Hope it will more clear to you what i want to ask.


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