I am working on a project.In this i need to assign values in array with different location of code.first i used the $bd=array('1','420'); $bd=array('2','520'); etc.but when i echo $bd[1]; and echo $bd[2]; only last inserted value(520) is displayed.do you have any solution for it?


You may want to try using array_push() function.

example of usage...

    $bd= array('1','420'); 


    echo $bd[0].'<br/>';
    echo $bd[2].'<br/>';
    echo $bd[1].'<br/>';
    echo $bd[3].'<br/>';

You way is not proper to achieve your aim.

Use any of the following 2 ways

Way 1

echo $bd[1]."<br>"; 
echo $bd[2]; 


Way 2


echo $bd[1]."<br>";  
echo $bd[2]; 


now the array is working correctly but now i am having problem with sorting the array .i am usig $bsd2=sort($bsd); $bed2=sort($bed); to sort two array $bsd and $bed. and displaying via $bsd2[0]; bsd2[1] etc.but it is not working.

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