I want am php page which entry the google longtitude and latitude from an google map, want just click the map and in the text box need to show the longtitude and latitude after that a submit button need to click this data will store on a database as varcar().

please help me soon.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I want am php page which entry the google longtitude and latitude from an google map, want just click the map and in the text box need to show the longtitude and latitude after that a submit button need to click this data will store on a database as varcar().

What code have you done so far? Can you post a code snippet of what you done so far?

There are a few code snippets regarding about Google longtitude and latitude on a Google map

You'll need a Javascript solution, I'm moving the thread.

Member Avatar for diafol

There's some history of asking these sort of questions without showing any effort. Please show us what you have. This isn't free-coders-4-u.

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