Hi guys,
I really need your help, I have scraping the data from a website that i use to read the information on my php. I have a problem, I could not be able to scraping the right data from 5 hours backward of my current time, e.g my current time is 10pm and the 5 hours backward time is 5pm so i want to scrape the data that is on the same row as the 5pm time.
here is the php code:
[PHP] <?php
$data = file_get_contents('http://tvlistings.zap2it.com/tvlistings/ZCSGrid.do?stnNum=10179');
preg_match_all('/<a id="rowTitle\d+" class="zc-ssl-pg-title"[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/im', $data, $matches);
$titles = $matches[1];
echo $titles[19]; [/PHP]
I can only scraping the data that are 7 hours backward from my current time, but i can't be able to figure it out how i can scraping the data that are 5 hours backward from my current time.
If you know how i can scraping the data in the same row as the time that are 5 hours backward from my current time, i would be very appreicated it if you could post the code that i can scraping the data that are 5 hours backward from my current time to the end of the page.
Any advice would be much appreicated.
Thanks in advance