I'm not well conversant with java or AJAX, but how can i read each line of a string display each line of question and answers at a time, after a user have answered the question id displays the next question upto the last one. Im using
fget ()
n php to read line by line but dont know how to display one question and its respective answers at a time and be able to keep track of each submitted questions. Kindly assist with this I would highly appreciate. Here are the codes that I have:
$openFile = fopen("questionandanswers.txt", "r") or exit ("unable to open the text file");
while (!feof ($openFile))
$string = fgets($openFile). "<br />";
//Regex to get from the first number to the string's end, so we ignore the Number Question... bit;
preg_match('/\d.*/', $string, $match);
//We get all the strings starting with a number until it finds another number (which will be the beginning of another question;
preg_match_all('/\d\D*/', $match[0], $results);
// We prepare an array that will store the questions/answers
$qas = array();
foreach($results[0] as $result)
//Separating the question from the string with all the answers.
list($question, $all_answers) = explode(':', $result);
//Separating the different answers
$answers_array = explode('.', $all_answers);
//Storing the question and the array with all the answers into the previously prepared array;
$qas[] = array('question' => $question, 'answers' => $answers_array);
//Looping through the array and outputting all the info into a form;
$questionNr = 0;
foreach($qas as $k=>$v)
echo "<input id='question{$questionNr}' style='width:40%' type='text' value='".$v['question']."' name='questions[]' >";
echo '<br /><br />';
//Puts the answers of each question unique and in the form of radios
foreach($v['answers'] as $answer)
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"selected_answers[$questionNr]\" value=\"$answer\" />";
echo "$answer";
echo '<br/><br />';
fclose ($openFile);
<input name= "submit" type="submit" value="Submit Answers"> <input type="reset" value ="Clear Answers">