I am working on a php application that is meant to respond to user requests to create accounts. For instance; whoever wants to create an account has to send a text with "Login" as the message content.
Only problem is that the mysql queries are not being executed. Can anyone help?
Here is the code I am using;
# PHP Responder Script
$msg = $_GET["msg"];
$sender = $_GET["sender"];
$receiver = $_GET["receiver"];
$operator = $_GET["operator"];
#$command = trim(strtolower($msg));
# Create response SMS messages
if($msg == 'Login')
$passw = "pass123";
$create_user = "INSERT INTO authentication VALUES('','Farmer','','2','$sender','$password2','1')";
$result = mysql_query($create_user);
$messages = "Dear User, Your username is: ".$sender." "."Password is: ".$passw.". Thank you for registering with us";
# Uncomment this line to send a response message
echo "{GSMSMS}{}{}{"."$sender"."}{".trim($messages)."}";