I have one query,
$sql_query = db_select('Int_schedule_Table', 'c'); //name given as **c**
$sql_query->fields('c',array('Int_Schedule_Id', 'cand_id', 'Int_Panel_Id', 'Interview_Date', 'Interview_Time','Interview_feedback_status', 'Interview_for_vacancy', 'hr_name', 'Int_Type')); //took fields from C
$sql_query = $sql_query->extend('TableSort')->extend('PagerDefault')->limit(20); // I fired qury here
$result = $sql_query->orderByHeader($header)->execute(); // after this I have simply applied my logic of displaying fields on $result.
But my question is how can I apply "WHERE" condition on this query?
like WHERE Interview_Date < $today_date.
Please dont tell me to change query stucture since I have used this all over.