I have been trying to get a single model, with multiple partail views that use that model to sumbit the form correctly.

@Html.Partial("_EmployerDetails", Model)
<br />
@Html.Partial("_OutcomeControl", Model)

When I submit the form only the firt PatailView model is posted. The second partailview values is null. I need to modulize my partail view but this have been nightmare. Got it work if a map hiddenvlaues on the main view to the model. But this is not what I want to do.

I want the partailView to act like a userControl in webforms.

Any idees?

Kind regards

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When I submit the form only the firt PatailView model is posted. The second partailview values is null. I need to modulize my partail view but this have been nightmare. Got it work if a map hiddenvlaues on the main view to the model. But this is not what I want to do.


I don't know what is your public class because you didn't provide enough info to really see the issue. Plus I don't know what is your pulbic class looks like but what is Model? Your Model should have a unique values.

This is your code:

@Html.Partial("_EmployerDetails", Model)
<br />
@Html.Partial("_OutcomeControl", Model)

It should look like this:

@model YourViewModel
@Html.LabelFor(model => model.Title);
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Title);
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Title);

@{Html.Partial("_EmployerDetails", new YourViewModel());}
@{Html.Partial("_OutcomeControl", new YourViewModel());}

public class YourViewModel
public String Title { get; set; }
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