Any recommendations for implementing caching in ASP Classic. Server is Windows 2008 with IIS 7.5

It can be done. While most would say just upgrade the site to ASP.NET where you its easy to implement caching, it can be done in Classic ASP. Take a look at this article from 4GuysFromRolla. They have quite a bit of stuff on Classic ASP. A few articles on caching.

If you are caching blocks of data that won't change based on the user, then I would highly recommend using Application variables. You can simply do something like:

if Not IsDate(Application("var_date")) then Application("var_date") = Now() - 1

if Application("var_date") < Now Then
    Application("html_cache") = "INSERT HTML HERE"
    Application("var_date") = DateAdd("n",5,Now)
end if

This will cache for 5 minutes and this method can be very powerful if you are working with high volume sites. This is best used where you are hitting your database.

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