
Rather then retyping the question, perhaps I can just place the link: http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/238828/

I already posted the question in CI forum, yet still does not find the answer yet.

Perhaps if anyone can help me solve this problem would be great.

Member Avatar for diafol

That's a bit naughty Davy. Flooding different forum sites with a link to a question on another one. You chose to place the original question there, so that's where you should concentrate your attention. Don't paste the same questions on different forums either, it just ends up wasting everybody's time.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

That's a bit naughty Davy.


Yeah, he's been really naughty that he post 4 threads on the same code in a month.

Flooding different forum sites with a link to a question on another one. You chose to place the original question there, so that's where you should concentrate your attention. Don't paste the same questions on different forums either, it just ends up wasting everybody's time.

I agree. I am getting tired reading this code. There's has to be a limit for this (posting 4 threads that has the same code)? is there limit?

Well to answer his qustion so he can stop: in CodeIgniter redirect(); is basiclly just a what the name says.. redirect.. you can insert a params to controll how you want to redirect.

Example: redirect('/'); = redirect back to main domain. or redirect('dashboard'); = redirect back to the dashboard page.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Well to answer his qustion so he can stop


Really? It's a month now.

He's modifying a CodeIgniter code from a tutorial and he wants everyone helping him to do that.

If you are willing to help him without getting a thanks or click solve on the thread (letting you know that it works) then be my guest. =)

Member Avatar for diafol

I think we have to remember, that we contribute out of the goodness of our hearts. We need to bear the house rules with regard to posts in mind (showing effort etc) and then deciding whether a poster needs our help, whatever that may be - a link, a correction or a short snippet. In helping one poster, you may end up helping thousands as they search the web for a similar solution. For me, it's the nature of the post that prevents me from contributing further, but every contributor is welcome to make their own call - otherwise we'd be closing threads left, right and centre.

@davy_yg, gabrielcastillo is correct. redirect is just another method in CI that can accept something to redirect to .

Is redirecting to another controller a must? It will be you own call. It can be redirected to a simple page or another page controller. Not all pages has to have controllers. For example, if you just want to print a simple error then a simple echo "Houston, We've Got a Problem" will suffice.

Appologize for the inconvenience. Next time, I repost the question and maybe refrase it. Well, I have been working on the login and trying to get it to work.

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