I have more than 40 or so fields on a php page, the fields dont conatain lots of data but they are allot for users to complete.
Is there a way (I did this in VB.Net) to save once the user has edited a field or in VB case "Leave" call the save command to just update the MySql db
so when the update the form it saves every time you leave move to the next textbox or dropdown
Save on the fly type thing
OR save every two minutes ...
Currently I have to let my users click save every few minutes, they dont like this
(Complain way too much)
I basically want to call this every time the user leaves the textbox or dropdown OR every two minutes.
//UPDATE Information
$sqlupdateinfo = "UPDATE companydetails SET
field='posted data from form',
field='posted data from form',
field='posted data from form',
field='posted data from form',
field='posted data from form',
field='posted data from form',
field='posted data from form',
field='posted data from form'
where email='$email'";
$count = $conn->exec($sqlupdateinfo);