hey .. i have a gridview and i set allowpaging=true.
in the first column, i have a check box for choosing items..when i click on the second page of the gridview,
and click a button for update,
it doesn't recognize the changes i made in the previous record on the first page of the gridview.

how will i get the record of the previous page on the grid view even i navigate to many pages in the gridview??

im using VB as code behind...

how will i get the record of the previous page on the grid view even i navigate to many pages in the gridview??

Are you handling the update via code-behind? if so, did you include a gridview.databind() at the end of the update process?

yes..im populating the gridview via code:


and i include databind..

is this what you mean?

anyway, i managed to remain the checkboxes value even changing page. my problem now is that when i clicked the button for update, it doesn't recognize the previous page of the gridview with checked checkboxes.

i tried debugging it with printing the total number of checkboxes checked and it returns that it doenst include the previous page of the gridview..


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