I am new to php and been following various youtube tutorials and boought a few books, I am now however clueless with my latest error and really need some help.
This is my error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING unexpected '?' in /web/com/138601040918006/main.php on line 17
Please have a look at my code and advise where I am going wrong. I had a feeling is my my files and because the website is uploaded its in a subdirectory but on Xampp its the main one and on localhost. So not sure.
Thanks in advance
<title>Online PHP Script Execution</title>
function fact($n){
{return 1;}
else {
$i = $a = 1
<?php //démarrer une session
<body TEXT=#000000 bgcolor="#000000">
//appel au fonctions.php (la fonction connexion())
if ( isset($_POST) && (!empty($_POST['pseudo'])) && (!empty($_POST['password'])) )
{extract($_POST);$pseudo = $_POST['pseudo'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
{//verification de login$req="select * from etudient where login='$pseudo'";$resultat=mysql_query($req) or die("connexion impossible");
if( $num_row == 1 && !mysql_error())
{$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultat);
//verification de mot de passeif ($password == $data["pass"]){$loginOK = true;print "<br><br><br><br><center>";
print "<table border=\"2\" width=\"600\" bordercolor=\"gray\"background=\"OK.png;
print "<tr>";
print "<td bordercolor=\"#f9e56d\">";print "<center>";
print "<center><h1><tt><br><br><br>Vous êtes bien identifié";
print "<BR>";
echo "bonjour monsieur ";
echo $data["pre_etu"] ;
print " ";
echo $data["nom_etu"];print "<BR>";
echo "Redirection vers paged'acceuil dans 2 seconde.";
print "<BR>";
echo "appuyé <A HREF =\"choix.php\"> ici </A> pour continuer...";
print "<br><br><br><br><br></h1>";
print "</form>";print "</td>";
print "</tr>";print "</table>"
;?><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;
URL=choix.php"><?}}}if ($loginOK){
// si les données sont justes on recupère les information sur l'etudient tous le long de session$_SESSION['login'] = $data["login"];
$_SESSION['nom'] = $data["nom_etu"];
$_SESSION['pre'] = $data["pre_etu"];
$_SESSION['id'] = $data["id_etu"];
}else{//les données incorrectes
echo 'Une erreur est survenue,
veuillez réessayer !';
print "<br><br><br><br><center>";
print "<table border=\"2\" width=\"535\" bordercolor=\"gray\" background=\"stop-1.jpg\">";
print "<tr>";
print "<td bordercolor=\"#f9e56d\">";
print "<center>";
print "<center><h1><tt><br><br><br><br> Vérifier votre demande";
print "<br> <br> </ h1>";
print "< / form> ";
print "</ td>";
print "</ tr>";
print "</ table>";
</ center>
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "3; URL = index.php "> <? } ?>
</ body>
</ html>
while ($i<=$n){
$a = $a * $i;
return ($a);
echo " Le factoriel de $x est égale à $nbr";