how to update edit and delete data on same form

Use select:

<select name="action">


if($_POST['action'] == 'update')
    # run update query

elseif($_POST['action'] == 'delete')
    # run delete query

    # return error: no allowed action was selected

If, instead, you want to update and delete within the same request then paste your script and give us more information.

      <option value="update">update</option>
      <option value="delete">delete</option>

<input type="text" name="other" value="keyword">

//this will make a variable of the select option update

$update = $_POST['update'];

//this will make a variable of the select option delete

$delete = $_POST['delete'];

//this will make a variable of the select option other
// in other words, defines whatever text is inserted in the input box as variable.

$other = $_POST['other']."=".$_POST['keyword']."*";

Hope this helps

Thank u so much for your help

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