I have the following string and would like to use preg_match() to extract parts of the string.
Yang club
4931 Wyaconda RdRockville, IA 20852
Monday - Friday - 3:00 - 10:00PM and Saturday & Sunday -12:00 - 8:00PM
another possible string is:
Kahler Hall 5440 Old Tucker Row
Columbia, MD 21044
Wednesday - Friday - 6:00 - 10:00PM and Saturday & Sunday 10:00 - 8:00PM
I would like to use preg_match() to get everything to the right or after the zipcode (formated: 00000) or to the right or after the telephone number (formated: 000-000-0000)
So in each case, I would like to ge the days and time, ie:
"Monday - Friday - 3:00 - 10:00PM and Saturday & Sunday -12:00 - 8:00PM"
I would appreciate some help.