hello admin,
how to display the following shortcut.

your here >> home >> files >> 2014 >> 02.

is database required for that ? any suggestions please .......
thank you........

you do not need database to create breadcrumbs. That's what you are looking for. you can accomplish this with the global $_SERVER variable.

This might get you started: link

example.com/2014/ which is also a good idea but plesk panel does not support .htaccess.

actual location of file is
i need to show the url as
1. example.com/myfiles/2014/-dir-/2014.html
2. example.com/myfiles/-dir-/myfiles.html etc....

means i think there must be a .php file under /2014/

here is discussion thread http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/472591/how-to-read-file-path-using-dir .

any suggestions please......

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