I want make list years in PHP.List contains years of 1900 to 1992. Second problem is send my list to another
adress in GET metods.

Member Avatar for diafol
$list = implode(",",range(1900,1992));
echo "<a href='http://www.example.com?list=$list'>Send List</a>";

Perhaps you'd find a form easier?
Maybe also to urlencode the list before inserting

Thanks.But I need drop-down list.In HTML this is <select><option>.It
isn't recommended for a long list.

Best regards

Member Avatar for diafol

You did not ask for that originally.


Next time, state your questions as clearly as possible. We can simply write codes like this.


$min_year = 1900;
$max_year = 1992;

echo '<form>';
echo '<select name="year">';
foreach (range($max_year, $min_year, -1) as $x) {

    echo '<option value="'.$x.'">'.$x.'</option>';

echo '</select>';
echo '</br>';    
echo '<input type="submit" value="submit"/>';    
echo '</form>';  

-1 reverses the count from max_year to min_year. If you want 1900 to be the first on the option, then you can switch the position of the max_year and the min_year and then declare the step parameter to 1 , instead of -1.

Thanks very much.I will make precision question.

You could also consider using a datepicker [That is if you want to select a date of course].

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