I have just used this code in a project which works perfectly, but I have noticed that the first record is always not displayed. Eg. the SQL query lists 15 results, but the output only displays 14, missing the first record. Any ideas why?
$result = mysql_query($sql);
//first put all the results into an array so we can look backward and see previous items
$resultSet = array();
while($record = mysql_fetch_array($rs2Dfiles)) {
$resultSet[] = $record;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count($resultSet) ; $i++ ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) {
//for the first item, show the category name
echo '<div class="Box"><div class="BoxHeader gfgreen"><h3>'.$resultSet[$i]['ftCatName'].'</h3></div>';
} else if ($resultSet[$i]['ftCatName'] != $resultSet[$i-1]['ftCatName']) {
//every time we encounter a new category, display a new line and show the category name
echo '</div><div class="Box"><div class="BoxHeader gfgreen"><h3>'.$resultSet[$i]['ftCatName'].'</h3></div>';
echo '<p class="Document"><a title="View file details" href="download.php?id='.$resultSet[$i]['DownloadID'].'">'.$resultSet[$i]['DownloadName'].'</a> ('.formatSize( filesize('DOCS/'.$resultSet[$i]['DownloadFilename'].'')).')</p>';
echo '</div>';