I am displaying the complete record of the user in the My profile section, I am fetching all the rows , but the problem is within the rows I've got two fields as arrays, which are 'secondarySubject' and 'secondaryGrade' now I want the display to be something like this
2002-2004 ----------- A Level ------- School Name
Science A
Maths B
I am able to display them but it prints the dates, school name and level name with every subject rather than just once for all the subjects. I am posting my code, can someone pleaseeee help me with it.
$result2 = $db->query('
FROM secondaryEducation
WHERE userID = "'.$graduateID.'"
ORDER BY secondaryFinishDate DESC
$totalRows2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);
if($totalRows2 > 0)
$html .= '<h2>Secondary Education: '.$option.'</h2>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))
$startYear = formatDate($row['secondaryStartDate'], 'Y');
$finishYear = formatDate($row['secondaryFinishDate'], 'Y');
if (!empty($row['secondaryGrade']))
$secondaryGrade = getSecondaryGradeName($row['secondaryGrade']);
$secondaryGrade = $row['secondaryGradeCustom'];
$html .= '
<div class="secondaryListing">
<div><strong>'.$startYear.' - '.$finishYear.' '.stripslashes($row['secondarySchool']).'</strong></div>
<div>'.stripslashes(getSecondaryLevelName($row['secondaryLevel'])).' in '.stripslashes(getSecondarySubjectName($row['secondarySubject'])).' - '.stripSlashes($secondaryGrade).'</div>
</div><!-- End education listing -->