Hi all, I wonder if somebody can help me with this. I have this situation:
I have a header div with a heading and when I click on it another div hiddenDiv slides down or slides up (I am using the slideToggle method). What I want to do also is to change the background image on the header div, depending on whether the hiddenDiv is collapsed or not. Let's have a look at the code:


<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="header"></div>
    <div class="hiddenDiv">
        <p>I am displayed/hidden when user clicks on header</p>



Assuming the header div needs to have a "+" background image when the hidden div is collapsed and a "-" when it is open, what would be the best ay to implement this with the slideToggle method?
I was thinking - but I am open to suggestions of course - to have two more classes:

    background: #fffff url("plusSign.jgp") no-repeat 100% 0;
    background: #fffff url("minusSign.jgp") no-repeat 100% 0;

and then add them in the script like this:

        var $thisHiddenDiv = $(this).siblings("hiddenDiv")

Would that work? Unfortunately I don't have any code to try it on right now, the above is just a demonstration.

Not sure if your code will work as its written. I think you have the general idea though.

here is a simple example you can work off of.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  .header {border:1px solid black;height:1em;font-size:5em;}
  .hiddenDivp {display:none;}

 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js">

    <div class="header">-</div>
    <div class="hiddenDiv">
        <p>I am displayed/hidden when user clicks on header</p>
        var hd = $(".hiddenDiv");

        if(hd.is(":visible") ){


cool thanks, it's interesting the usage of (":visible") and (:hidden). I would have used something like .css("display") to gauge whether the div in question is either block or none, and I did and found it that it doesn't work. The reason is fairly obvious: if I click on the header when the hiddenContent is visible .css("display") will still return "block" because when I clicked on the header the content will still be visible if that makes sense. So I take (":visible") and (":hidden")work in a different way?

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