
I am using Jquery Cookie for that it given me Error "$.cookie is not a function"
Used Plugin And My code as bellow.


if($.cookie('chat_user_name') !== 'undefined' && ($.cookie('chat_user_id') !== 'undefined'))



In IF condition given error.How can i solved

Suggestion Me ,

Thank you

You're probably trying to use the jQuery Cookie plugin before jQuery has been loaded.

From the README:

Include script after the jQuery library (unless you are packaging scripts somehow else)

If you're loading jQuery through <script> tags, make sure your jQuery <script> tag comes before the jQuery Cookie <script> tag.

@Purkinje : i have already do that which you have mansion.In my Question i have post Plugin Link.

Thank you for response.

Are you seeing any other errors in Chrome's Developer Console?

@Purkinje: no any other errors in Chrome's Console.But this error its stop my functionality of chat application.i think i should change track and complete thought js cookie.

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