I am trying to make images coming from links within my mySQL database appear next to each other. Here is my code:

<div class="container-outer">
    <div class="container-inner">
        <?php if ( $imagePath = $article->getImagePath( IMG_TYPE_THUMB ) ) { ?>
        <a href=".?action=viewArticle&amp;articleId=<?php echo $article->id?>"><img class="articleImageThumb" src="<?php echo $imagePath?>" alt="Article Thumbnail" /></a>
        <?php } ?>

The images appear seperatly below each other and I can't quite figure out how to make them appear on the same line. Thanks!

Member Avatar for diafol

This would be due to divs being block elements.
Changing your divs to block-inline usually works. Maybe just inline.

    display: block-inline;

If block-inline doesn't work, try inline-block.

commented: Quite right! +14
Member Avatar for diafol

Yep, Jorge - got into all-a-muddle :)

Lol, no worries just having some fun with that.

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