i have genrate a confirm message for session extend and it work properly. but i want that if user not respond to it than it will automatically hide.i have write following code .
if($("#takephotopageload").length > 0) {
            url: "check_session.php",
            //data: {action: 'clickme_clicked'},
            dataType: "json",
            success: function(data) {
              if(data.time > idletimeout) {
                var answer = confirm("Your session has expired. Would you like to extend it?");
                setInterval(function () { window.confirm.dialog("close"); }, 3000);
                if(answer == true) {
                    url: "reactivate_session.php",
                    dataType: "json",
                    success: function() {},
                } else {

i have use this line of code for hide confirmation dialoge box setInterval(function () { window.confirm.dialog("close"); }, 3000);
but it not work.please give me some nedd ful suggestion

but it not work

What exactly does not work? Be specific.

Member Avatar for diafol

Is this PHP-related?

yes it is php related.in my case i have genrate a confirm window for user who is idle more than 1 minute by showing confirm window using
var answer = confirm("Your session has expired. Would you like to extend it?");
but i want to hide this confirm window within 10 second if user does not respond it.

Member Avatar for diafol

Not sure how you'd use php to close a js confirm. I'd suggest that you use a js solution. Possibly using a custom modal dialog (e.g. jQueryUI) coupled to a timer. Grabbing control of a browser's modals sounds difficult - not sure if this is possible - it would probably be a security risk if it were.

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