Months are currently displayed as numbers (01/01/2014). I want to display as full month name (01 Janvier 2014).
Here is the code that seems to control date format display for US or else International (French and Spanish) date format and month names:
// format date for display only
if(AC_DATE_DISPLAY_FORMAT=="us") $date_format = $month." ".$day_counter.", ".$year;
else $date_format = $day_counter." ".$month." ".$year;
I have read and made many unsucessful trials to get $month to ouput a month name.
In particulr, I have tried the following unsuccessful modifications
$date_format = $day_counter." ".$month = date("F")." ".$year;
$date_format = $day_counter." ".$month = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("d"), date("F"), date("Y"))." ".$year;
$date_format = $day_counter." ".$month=date('F', strtotime("2000-$month-01"))." ".$year;
$date_format = $day_counter." ".$month=(date('F',$date_timestamp))." ".$year;
$date_format = date("j F Y");
or adding this line above
$month = date("F");
or putting this after set_local
echo strftime('%B', $timestamp);
If I were a php coder I would know the answer, but the more I read PHP manual and this and other formers "answers", which I try to implement, the more obscure.
Would anyone have a clue why I cannot change the integer to monthname for same?
Assistance is appreciated.