I have created sliding fieldsets using javascripts.
in it, I have created fieldsets using for loop.
Now I want , while I click on NEXT of one fieldset , then whatever input type fields are available on that fieldset ,
I should get them.
I want to store it in temp table.
but how can I?
How to get each input type values of each fieldset?
I have created fieldset by below loop:
foreach ($All_skill_type as $All_skill_type_)
$each_skill_type=$All_skill_type_ -> skill_type ;
// find skill_type_id and serach Skills for that skill_type
<fieldset class="step">
<label for="username" style='width:170px!important;'><? echo $each_skill_type .":";?></label>
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($skills_of_skill_type);$i++)
$skill_box=$skills_of_skill_type [$i]['skill'];
echo CHtml::CheckBox($skill_box,'', array (
echo CHtml::label($skill_box, $skill_box);