When I view my list in my admin I would like to be able to make sure the controller name is sorted asc

Currently it does not sort alphabetically

 'name' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $controller)), 


public function index() {
    $data['title'] = "User Group Permissions";

    $controller_files = $this->get_installed_permissions('name'); 

    $data['controller_files'] = array();

    $files = glob(FCPATH . 'application/modules/admin/controllers/*/*.php');

    if ($files) {

        foreach ($files as $file) {

            $controller =  basename(strtolower($file), '.php');

            $modules = $this->get_permissions_by_controller($controller);

            $module_data = array();

            foreach ($modules as $module) {
                $module_data[] = array(
                    'user_group_id' => $module['user_group_id'],
                    'name' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $controller) . ' > ' . $module['name']),
                    'edit' => site_url('admin/extension/permissions/update' .'/'. $controller .'/'. $module['user_group_id']),
                    'delete' => '' 

            $data['controller_files'][] = array(
                'name' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $controller)),
                'controller' => $controller,
                'module'    => $module_data,
                'install' => site_url('admin/extension/permissions/install') .'/'.$controller,
                'installed' => in_array($controller, $controller_files)


    $this->load->view('template/extension/extension_permissions', $data);

To Ips's point, I would recommend asort.
It also helps to reduce the 'scope' of the issue. You have a double array, but only the sort on the outer array is relevant. I've removed everything else. Now, you may not need asort if you don't care about the index. The 'printout' from the following method should clarify.

  public function ExplanationIndex()
        $data = [ // initialize everything
            'title' => 'User Group Permissions'            

        // sample 'file' list, unsorted.
        $file_list = ['z','y','x','w','a','b','c','d','e'];
        echo 'before';

        // initialize the array
        $controller_file_list = [];
        foreach ($file_list as $file)
            $controller_file_list[] = [
                'name' =>           $file.'name',
                'controller' =>     $file.'controller',
                'module' =>         [rand(0,100),rand(0,100),rand(0,100),rand(0,100),rand(0,100)],
                'install' =>        $file,
                'installed' =>      (bool)rand(0,1)

        echo 'after';
        $data['controller_files'] = $controller_file_list;
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