i have a restaurant dropdown menulist, when sb clicks the one of the various meals i want a picture of it to <img id="menupic"src="picFold/actualPic.jpg" alt="Foto der Men&uumlliste">. I only had partial success , who can help me finalize this task ? thx

sofar :


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$(function() {
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.ui-menu { width: 150px; }
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<div><a class="homeButton" href="index.html">Home</a></div>
<ul id="menu">
        <li onclick="actualPicSwap()" <img src="picFold/Pic13.jpg" >Pizza Mageritha  4,90€ - <span class="listenBildKonfig">Bild</span></li>
        <li onclick="actualPicSwap()" <img src="picFold/Pic13.jpg" > >Pizza Cardinale 5,90€ - <span class="listenBildKonfig">Bild</span></li>
        <li onclick="actualPicSwap()" <img src="picFold/Pic13.jpg" >Pizza Salami 5,90€  - <span class="listenBildKonfig">Bild</span></li>
        <li onclick="actualPicSwap()" <img src="picFold/Pic13.jpg">Pizza Cardinale 5,90€ - <span class="listenBildKonfig">Bild</span></li>
<img id="menupic"src="picFold/actualPic.jpg" alt="Foto der Men&uumlliste">
function actualPicSwap()
document.getElementById("menupic").src = ??? ;


??? = "picFold/Pic13.jpg" // works but, i want a function which i can add to each li item
??? = jQuery(this).find("src"); // doesnt work
??? = document.getElementByTagName("src") // doesnt work

                    Any Suggestions ?
Member Avatar for diafol

Your problem is that the li tag does not have a src child tag (<src>). In order to get it to work with jQ maybe soemthing like this:


solved it this way:

        <li onclick="actualPicSwap('picFold/Pic13.jpg')">Pizza Mageritha  4,90€ - <span class="listenBildKonfig">Bild</span></li>
        <li onclick="actualPicSwap('picFold/Pic11.jpg')">Pizza Cardinale 5,90€ - <span class="listenBildKonfig">Bild</span></li>

<img id="menupic"src="picFold/actualPic.jpg" alt="Foto der Men&uumlliste">
function actualPicSwap(menuelistImage)
    document.getElementById("menupic").src = menuelistImage; 


Voila !!!

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